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Crispy Kale Chips Recipe
Crispy Kale Chips Recipe

Our family loves kale chips, including my daughter. And not only are the delicious, they are very nutritious. Kale is the cruciferous, or brassica family, along with other powerhouse foods like broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cabbage. Kale Nutrition Kale (particularly...

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Real Results from Real Kids
Real Results from Real Kids

Improve Their Diet and Reduce Their Symptoms When a child is diagnosed with autism or ADHD, parents go looking for solutions. They seek therapies and approaches to support their child’s well being. But with many alternative approaches being touted, it can be difficult...

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Zucchini Pickles [Recipe]
Zucchini Pickles [Recipe]

If you have planted a garden, by the time summer is in full swing, zucchini and summer squash are often so abundant that you just don’t know what to do with them all.  These are simple refrigerator pickles, so there’s no expertise in canning necessary and no fuss....

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