Challenging Summer Behaviors and Salicylates – How Popular Summer Foods Can Sabotage Your Child’s Mood and Behavior

Challenging Summer Behaviors and Salicylates – How Popular Summer Foods Can Sabotage Your Child’s Mood and Behavior

If you were hoping that summertime – a time with no school, fresh air, sunshine, and exercise – would help your child feel better and improve their behavior…. but it hasn’t, then salicylates might be your culprit. Salicylates in Food Salicylates are...
How Diet Affects the Microbiome and Autism

How Diet Affects the Microbiome and Autism

The microbiome in autism is an avenue of important research. Studying the differences in microbiome composition for individuals with an autism diagnosis is yielding valuable insight. Here’s some recent research on the microbiome and children’s health, including kids...