We hope you find these stories inspiring and that they encourage your success with nourishing hope!
See what parents are saying about how diet helped their child–hear the stories of how dietary changes are helping children and families around the world. See what parents and clinicians are saying about Julie Matthews, Nourishing Hope for Autism, her Cooking To Heal class, and the live autism educational events she holds.
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Here are some quotes from doctors and parents on Nourishing Hope and Julie Matthews
One word sums up Nourishing Hope – fantastic! Julie Matthews has done a masterful job at breaking down the complexities of the various medical diets, i.e. GF/CF, Specific Carbohydrate, Low Oxalate into an easy and understandable format. Her knowledge of nutrition and how to incorporate healthy eating for autism-spectrum children is truly unique. As a biomedical physician of many years I have searched for a nutritionist that I can refer parents to for help in navigating the special dietary needs of their children. Julie’s book Nourishing Hope and her one-on-one consultation service has become the answer. She is a great asset to my patients, and the biomedical autism community at large.