Toxins/Non-Toxic Living

Nourishing Hope Holiday Guide
Nourishing Hope Holiday Guide

  Holiday Gift GuideI get many in my community who ask about my favorite products, not just in the kitchen but also when it comes to clean air, water, snacks, treats, and even self-care products. When we are looking to nourish our families in the healthiest ways...

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Cookware and Storage: Non-Toxic Choices
Cookware and Storage: Non-Toxic Choices

We often spend a lot of time talking about what foods to eat and not eat regarding diet for autism.  However, we spend less time on how to prepare the food, cook it, and store it.  You don’t need fancy, expensive equipment, but you will want pots and pans as well as...

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Getting Rid of Lice Naturally
Getting Rid of Lice Naturally

Lice. Just saying the word creates that deeply squeamish itchy feeling.  With lice season now upon us, you may find it helpful to review the main issues and solutions involved in getting rid of these unwanted parasitic insects.  With any health concern, prevention is...

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Gluten-Free Playdough (RECIPE)
Gluten-Free Playdough (RECIPE)

Playdough is a fun and creative art medium.  However, for gluten-free kids, Play-doh is not an option, as Play-doh brand contains gluten. Since gluten can absorb through the skin and (if your kids are like mine) kids...

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Limit Sugar for Good Health
Limit Sugar for Good Health

Most nutritionists recommend avoiding sugar in the diet—and applying this basic advice to kids is important.  Sugar is addicting and bad for our health. But with all of the parent-child battles that can happen (screen-time, bedtime, chores, etc.) there can be so many...

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