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Mother’s Day Cupcakes
Mother’s Day Cupcakes

Cupcakes - Diet Compliance: GFCF/SCD/GAPS/LOD/Paleo/Nut-Free Frosting - Diet Compliance: GFCF (see further ideas below) These cupcakes are certainly not only for Mother's Day, but the floral design lends itself so nicely to springtime and Mother's Day. What makes...

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Self-Care for Parents
Self-Care for Parents

As a parent, there is a lot to juggle. Getting everyone fed, to school, picked up, driven around, fed again, and to sleep… And even more to do if your child has special needs…. To finally have a few moments to ourselves. It’s possible we didn’t have any time for...

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Take the Frustration Out of Picky Eating
Take the Frustration Out of Picky Eating

Picky eating is very common in children. 25% of children have a feeding disorder, and that number increases to 80% in children with developmental delays. [1] So if you have a child who struggles with food, know you are not alone. In fact, I’ve worked with hundreds of...

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The Best Vitamins and Supplements for ADHD
The Best Vitamins and Supplements for ADHD

Did you know that what influences ADHD is more than the brain? ADHD is a “whole body” condition - what’s happening in the body affects how well the brain functions, and thus influences the presence and severity of ADHD symptoms. What’s amazing is that you can...

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