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Candida / Yeast

Yeast (Candia albicans being the most common) is a pathogen, but it lives in check with the good bacteria in our intestinal tract.  When we take antibiotics (anti = against life) to kill the pathogenic bacteria, we are not...

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Feingold Diet/Phenols

As we have seen in great detail (in my book, Nourishing Hope), many individuals with ASD and other neurological and immune system disorders appear to have faulty sulfation and cannot process phenols well.  This protocol reduces phenols in the diet.  The...

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Body Ecology Diet

The Body Ecology Diet incorporates excellent principles of proper food combining, acid/alkaline balance with low acid-forming foods, low/no sugars and starches, easily digestible foods, fermented foods, and other solid nutrition...

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Food Sensitivities

Removing all food sensitivities is an important   step in the process of cleaning up the diet for anyone   with the symptoms described below, an autistic spectrum   disorder, or autoimmune conditions. ...

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Environmental Toxins

Environment toxins have an effect on all children and adults, especially those on the autistic spectrum. It is not thoroughly known whether environmental toxins are an underlying cause of autism that can change biochemistry (like...

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