by Julie Matthews, MS | Dec 21, 2012 | Holidays, Nutrition News
Are you and your family on a special diet this holiday season? Or maybe you are hosting a gathering for people on a special diet? Nothing can spoil a wonderful holiday faster than you or your child feeling sick from a gluten infraction, or a behavioral reactions from...
by Julie Matthews, MS | Dec 7, 2012 | Nutrition News, Personalized Nutrition/Special Diets
Food allergies are very common in children with autism, ADHD, and related disorders, and have been significantly on the rise in the last decade. There are many theories and “possible” causes including: the hygiene theory (being too clean), vaccines, eating...
by Julie Matthews, MS | Jul 10, 2012 | Nutrition News, Personalized Nutrition/Special Diets
Oxalates are sharp crystals that are very inflammatory. Oxalates bind to minerals in the diet like calcium and can create mineral deficiencies. They can perpetuate a yeast overgrowth, even if you are on a low sugar and starch-free diet like the GAPS diet. They can...
by Julie Matthews, MS | Apr 3, 2012 | Autism, Nutrition News, Nutritious Food/Meals
Yesterday was a great day! It’s Autism Awareness Day, people learned something important about autism – that the CDC just informed us that autism rates are up 23% and the there’s no plan for helping. But something else happened, something hopeful....
by Julie Matthews, MS | Mar 22, 2012 | Holidays, Kids Cook & Garden, Nutrition News, Toxins/Non-Toxic Living
Playdough is a fun and creative art medium. However, for gluten-free kids, Play-doh is not an option, as Play-doh brand contains gluten. Since gluten can absorb through the skin and (if your kids are like mine) kids often eat playdough, so gluten-free...
by Julie Matthews, MS | Mar 12, 2012 | Nutrition News, Nutritious Food/Meals
Interview with Author, Christina Adams I love synchronicity. I’ve been writing for the Autism File Magazine for a few years now. In a recent telephone conversation with the Editor, Rita Shreffler, we were tossing around ideas for articles and I mentioned...
by Martin Matthews | Feb 29, 2012 | Media Events, Nourishing Hope News, Nutrition News, Pregnancy/Baby
This news story conveys the audacity of the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), and the personal impact of their actions upon my natural, healthful family – and local respectful farmers. My wife, Julie Matthews is among the worlds leading...
by Julie Matthews, MS | Feb 24, 2012 | Nutrition News, Stories of Hope
Written by Terri Burges Hirning (Originally published in 2011) Whenever I tell people that my son (8 years old) is recovered from Autism they… 1) are shocked that he had a diagnosis of Autism at one time and, 2) they didn’t think Autism was something that...
by Julie Matthews, MS | Feb 17, 2012 | Autism Diet & Implementation, Holidays, Nutrition News
Guest Post by Lisa Meili Note from Julie Matthews: After writing an article for the Autism File Magazine on traveling with food allergies (out in the June/July issue), I spotted this incredible post from a mother on a GFCF board. After reading a lot out there on...
by Julie Matthews, MS | Jan 31, 2012 | ADHD/Learning Delays, Autism, Digestion/Microbiome, Nutrition News, Scientific Research
Hooray, another scientific study that validates what autism parents and biomedical autism practitioners have known for years: that children with autism have higher rates of medical conditions. Autism parents globally have shouted from rooftops (and to their doctors!),...