Make Your Own Broccoli Sprouts
Make Your Own Broccoli Sprouts

Broccoli Sprouts Made Easy 2 TBS broccoli seeds I like Johnny Seeds and Sprout People brand seeds. 1 quart sized mason jar, sterilized (or well scrubbed with really hot water and dried naturally). Put 2 Tablespoons broccoli seeds in the mason jar Fill halfway with...

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Camel Milk for Autism
Camel Milk for Autism

Drink camel’s milk? Really? And, for those who cannot drink the milk from a goat or cow, is it possible camel’s might be for you? I want to share my experience with camel milk for autism. As a nutritionist for children with autism for 20 years, my research and...

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Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Diet for Autism
Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Diet for Autism

Choosing to implement a gluten-free and dairy-free diet for a child with autism can be beneficial in many ways. Reports from parents include improvements in cognition, receptive and expressive language, development, skin conditions, as well as reduction in behaviors,...

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