Make Your Own Mini Greenhouse
Make Your Own Mini Greenhouse

Spring is on its way but in some areas of the country (and world) it is still a little too cold to begin planting in your outside garden. But, what if I told you that you can make a small, portable greenhouse with just a few basic supplies? It is easy (and...

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Ingredients for a Better Breakfast
Ingredients for a Better Breakfast

September 26th is Better Breakfast Day! I think that is a perfect time to talk about what goes into a great breakfast. Our daughter Ruby actually cooked this breakfast for us in the photo, so whether you are cooking or you get your child(ren) involved, let’s talk...

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Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day
Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day

Today is National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day! At Nourishing Hope, I encourage parents to get their child(ren) cooking so they become invested in their nutrition and develop a love of trying new foods and eating healthfully.  As a matter of fact, I had one of the...

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Watermelon Popsicles
Watermelon Popsicles

These popsicles are a great treat that’s low in sugar and high in phytonutrients. It’s great for the summer, when the weather is warm and fruit is abundant. But can also be made anytime for a natural, low sugar treat. Try any fruit you like. The sweetener is optional....

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Starting a Fall Garden
Starting a Fall Garden

It’s mid summer and if you have a garden you are probably harvesting, or just beginning to harvest, your summer vegetables like zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and green beans. But can you believe... it’s already time to think about fall crops?! If you didn’t...

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It’s Not Too Late To Start Your Garden
It’s Not Too Late To Start Your Garden

I hope you liked our “Nourishing Hope in the Garden with Ruby and Jules” post on growing your own vegetables. We got some great comments back. Thank you to everyone who replied to my gardening email and shared some of the ways you are using your garden to remain...

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Nourishing Hope in the Garden
Nourishing Hope in the Garden

The last few months have been difficult for me… as I’m sure they have been for many of you. My child has been struggling with tummy issues, our car was stolen out of our garage by a criminal, and we have been dealing with the same stay-at-home (and school-at-home)...

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Gluten-Free Playdough (RECIPE)
Gluten-Free Playdough (RECIPE)

Playdough is a fun and creative art medium.  However, for gluten-free kids, Play-doh is not an option, as Play-doh brand contains gluten. Since gluten can absorb through the skin and (if your kids are like mine) kids...

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