Paleo and AutoImmune Paleo Diets

Paleo and AutoImmune Paleo Diets are grain-free and starch-free (or low in starch).

Paleolithic Diet

Known as the caveman diet, The Paleolithic (or paleo) diet has been designed to mimic the diet of our ancestors, before we began to farm and process our food. As the paleo diet is hunter-gatherer in style, the emphasis is on:wild fish, grass fed beef, free-range chickens and eggs – along with vegetables, fruit, mushrooms, and nuts.

The Paleo diet restricts: grains, legumes, dairy, and refined sugar.

Since this diet avoids grains it is used to counteract gastrointestinal issues, and was first introduced for this purpose by gastroenterologist, Walter L. Voegtlin in 1975. Paleo has become popular with a wider audience due to the emphasis on wholefoods, and avoiding processed food, but most importantly those who follow the diet have a wider, more diverse microbiome, which can reduce gastrointestinal symptoms.

As with the SCD and GAPS Diet, since Paleo supports gastrointestinal healing, it can often be helpful for children and individuals with gut/brain conditions, such as: ADHD, anxiety, depression, autism, and tics.

The avoidance of grains, most starches, and refined sugar makes Paleo lower in carbohydrates than the average Standard American Diet. Therefore, people that find that these carbohydrates imbalance their blood sugar, often find Paleo to be helpful keeping metabolic conditions more stable.

AutoImmune Paleo Diet

A stricter form of the Paleo Diet, often used to counteract the symptoms of autoimmune disorders, the diet further restricts foods that can cause inflammation in some individuals.

This diet removes the foods not allowed on Paleo plus others, including: grains, legumes, dairy, eggs, nuts, seeds, alcohol, coffee, food additives, processed foods, and nightshades.

Your child is unique and so are their diet and nutritional needs. Learn how personalized nutrition can help your child today. Download our guide: “12 Nutrition Steps to Better Health, Learning, and Behavior.”

Explore our Paleo and AutoImmune Paleo Recipes, below. Be sure to read all of the instructions before beginning in case diet-compliant substitutions are described in the introduction.

Paleo Recipes

Ruby’s Fourth of July Smoothie Bowl
Ruby’s Fourth of July Smoothie Bowl

Holidays are great opportunities to encourage our kids to join us in the kitchen to prepare festive foods and also take the lead on making their own recipes. I am so proud of my daughter, Ruby. She created a smoothie bowl for the Fourth of July! She figured out a plan...

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No-Mato (Tomato-Free) Sauce
No-Mato (Tomato-Free) Sauce

Ingredients 5-6 carrots, chopped 1 red/purple beet, peeled and chopped 1 small or 1/2 large onion, peeled and chopped 2 celery stalks, chopped 1 ½ cups water  Directions Place all chopped and prepared vegetables and water into a pot. Once water boils, reduce heat,...

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Low Carb Cauliflower Tortillas
Low Carb Cauliflower Tortillas

Avoid pepper for LOD and FG. Ingredients 1 head of cauliflower 3 eggs ½ teaspoon salt Black pepper (optional) Directions Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Wash cauliflower, cut cauliflower chunks off base stem/leaves. Put cauliflower in food processor and process until a...

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Rutabaga Fries
Rutabaga Fries

This is a great recipe because it’s compatible with so many diets. To make it low salicylate or SAG, use ghee or sunflower oil. For 100% dairy-free, avoid ghee. For keto, eat sparingly. Ingredients 3-4 Rutabagas Ghee or expeller-pressed coconut oil Salt Directions...

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Thanksgiving Turkey
Thanksgiving Turkey

     The turkey is usually the star of your Thanksgiving show! Many traditional recipes can be converted for food allergies or intolerances. Here is an easy guide for a perfect bird! Let's start by discussing how much turkey you will need to buy and how to safely...

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The Easiest Shishito Peppers
The Easiest Shishito Peppers

Have you tried shishito peppers?  They are an incredible Asian pepper with no heat and such a great flavor profile. They are rich in vitamin C and also contain vitamin B6, K, and E.  They are also one of the easiest dishes you can create in a really convenient short...

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Sauerkraut Recipe
Sauerkraut Recipe

GFCF/SCD/GAPS/Paleo/LOD/BED/Keto Diet Compliance Sauerkraut is wonderful for digestion and the immune system. It’s also beneficial for our mood.  Sauerkraut is made with fermented or cultured cabbage and other vegetables. When they are made raw, the traditional way,...

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AutoImmune Paleo Recipes

No-Mato (Tomato-Free) Sauce
No-Mato (Tomato-Free) Sauce

Ingredients 5-6 carrots, chopped 1 red/purple beet, peeled and chopped 1 small or 1/2 large onion, peeled and chopped 2 celery stalks, chopped 1 ½ cups water  Directions Place all chopped and prepared vegetables and water into a pot. Once water boils, reduce heat,...

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Rutabaga Fries
Rutabaga Fries

This is a great recipe because it’s compatible with so many diets. To make it low salicylate or SAG, use ghee or sunflower oil. For 100% dairy-free, avoid ghee. For keto, eat sparingly. Ingredients 3-4 Rutabagas Ghee or expeller-pressed coconut oil Salt Directions...

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Thanksgiving Turkey
Thanksgiving Turkey

     The turkey is usually the star of your Thanksgiving show! Many traditional recipes can be converted for food allergies or intolerances. Here is an easy guide for a perfect bird! Let's start by discussing how much turkey you will need to buy and how to safely...

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Crispy Kale Chips Recipe
Crispy Kale Chips Recipe

Our family loves kale chips, including my daughter. And not only are the delicious, they are very nutritious. Kale is the cruciferous, or brassica family, along with other powerhouse foods like broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cabbage. Kale Nutrition Kale (particularly...

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Cranberry Sauce
Cranberry Sauce

GFCF/SCD/GAPS/Paleo/LOD/FG For low oxalate, use all apples instead of half pears. Ingredients: 3 apples, peeled, cored and chopped 3 pears, peeled, cored and chopped 2 packages of frozen or fresh cranberries (12 oz) Splash of...

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Mashed Cauliflower Potatoes
Mashed Cauliflower Potatoes

GFCF/SCD/GAPS/Paleo/LOD/FG This recipe is SCD compliant.  For those on GFCF and not SCD, you can use half potatoes—this way you have mashed potatoes with hidden cauliflower. For low oxalate, use coconut milk. For nut-free,...

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Kale, Beet and Pomegranate Salad
Kale, Beet and Pomegranate Salad

GFCF/SCD/GAPS/Paleo/FG 1 bunch of kale 3 medium beets Seeds from one pomegranate 1/2 cup fresh cilantro leaves Juice from one lemon juice 1/4 cup olive oil ½ teaspoon sea salt Scrub and cut beets in half or quarters. Boil beets...

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Gelatin Hearts (RECIPE)
Gelatin Hearts (RECIPE)

GFCF/ Soy-free/ SCD/GAPS/Low oxalate Gelatin Hearts are finger gelatin that you can pick up and eat with your fingers.  It is two layers of gelatin with a strawberry heart in the middle. Read instructions and get ingredients for everything ready.  Start with the White...

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Burgers with Liver (Recipe)
Burgers with Liver (Recipe)

Diet Compliance: GFCF/SCD/LOD/FG/Egg-Free/Nut-Free To make it low salicylate, eliminate the herbs and spices, use only except salt to season. For low FODMAP, avoid onion powder. I know this dish may not sound tasty, but these burgers are delicious!  No one will know...

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