- 5-6 carrots, chopped
- 1 red/purple beet, peeled and chopped
- 1 small or 1/2 large onion, peeled and chopped
- 2 celery stalks, chopped
- 1 ½ cups water
Place all chopped and prepared vegetables and water into a pot. Once water boils, reduce heat, cover and
simmer for 50-60 minutes. Vegetables should be soft when pierced. Then place an emersion blender in pot
and blend until smooth (or place contents in blender and puree). Use in place of tomato sauce as desired.
Any suggestions on getting kids to try new foods? My son has Autism, and he is very picky. I am trying to get him to gain more vegetables, or even the same ones, in various ways. He gets stuck and brand specific, for instance, he likes carrots from PeiWei, but he will not eat any other way.
My son is picking eater and also delay in his speech .
I hope you like the recipe, Mabel. All the best to you and your son.