Inflammation in Anxiety, ADHD, Autism, and Other Neurological Conditions: Nutrition to Calm the Nerves

Inflammation in Anxiety, ADHD, Autism, and Other Neurological Conditions:
Nutrition to Calm the Nerves

In today’s fast paced world, with little rest, overloaded with toxins, and devoid of nutrients, inflammation is very common. Once triggered, it can be hard to shut off – and if certain biochemical processes persist, chronic inflammation can ensue. Inflammation...
Autism symptoms improve with better diet and nutrition, 1-year study concludes

Autism symptoms improve with better diet and nutrition, 1-year study concludes

Nutritional and dietary intervention is effective at improving non-verbal IQ, autism symptoms, developmental age in children and adults with ASD. I’m very excited to share the results of a new scientific study on autism: this is my first published paper! You read that...