Halloween is almost here. I’ve put together some really fun and delicious ideas which offer you many options for allergen free foods and treats, crafts, and activities to enjoy during this Halloween. I even have some friends and clients who prefer a Halloween party...
Ruby’s Fourth of July Smoothie Bowl
Holidays are great opportunities to encourage our kids to join us in the kitchen to prepare festive foods and also take the lead on making their own recipes. I am so proud of my daughter, Ruby. She created a smoothie bowl for the Fourth of July! She figured out a plan...
Watermelon Cupcakes
Are you looking for a dessert that is festive and delicious? Did you know, on average… Kids eat 66 grams of sugar per day, two and a half times what’s recommended. And it equals 53 POUNDS of sugar per year! Sugar sweetened beverages make up 47% of this sugar and sweet...
Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs
Artificial colors can be the cause of many negative reactions when they are ingested into our bodies. Some children and adults become hyperactive, irritable, aggressive, inattentive, or have other symptoms known to stem from artificial colors made from petroleum-based...
Halloween Candy Solution
If your child is following a special diet, or you just don’t want them to eat junk, you might be dreading Halloween, or even wondering if you should go trick or treating at all. For kids with food allergens and intolerances, trying to sort through the gluten, dairy,...
Nourishing Hope Holiday Guide
Holiday Gift GuideI get many in my community who ask about my favorite products, not just in the kitchen but also when it comes to clean air, water, snacks, treats, and even self-care products. When we are looking to nourish our families in the healthiest ways...
Is Your Christmas Tree Causing Meltdowns? Healthy Solutions to Keep the Holidays Happy
The holidays are a wonderful time for being together with family and celebrating. But there are also holiday traditions that can inadvertanly lead to behavioral and emotional reactions. Holiday treats and decorations can cause biochemical overload and physiological...
Mother’s Day Guide
Mother’s Day is coming up and I wanted to share a new guide I created just for moms! I know how much of our everyday energy, care, love, attention, focus, and thought goes into supporting others. Whether it is our immediate family, our extended family, our friends,...
Healthy Valentine’s Day Treats for Kids
Valentine’s Day is almost here! Food and candy tend to play starring roles, which can be a challenge when you want to eat healthy and/or navigate food allergies/intolerances. It is possible though... to celebrate our loved ones with healthy foods and treats! Here are...
Holiday Treats on a Special Diet
This is the season for holiday meals, treats, and with family time spent together. This year especially, when our normal plans may have changed some, it was important to me to celebrate as we can and even create some new traditions. Here at Nourishing Hope, we have...