Our Team
The Nourishing Hope team are dedicated professionals who have come together to proactively help children and families who are living with autism. We believe that in order to bring about change in the health of these children, it is imperative to effectively apply autism diet, nutrition and supplementation principles. We are at the forefront of nutrition intervention science and bring that information directly to you through our one-on-one practice and information exchange through our published work, web site, public events, newsletter and facebook group.
Read the background story of “nourishing hope.”

Meet Julie Matthews, M.S.
Julie Matthews is a Certified Nutrition Consultant and published researcher who received her master’s degree in medical nutrition, with distinction, from Arizona State University. She is a globally respected nutrition expert, published researcher, award-winning author, and inspirational educator. Her guidance is backed by over twenty years of clinical experience and scientific research with complex neurological and physiological needs; particularly autism.
Martin Matthews
Co-founder & Director
With true entrepreneurial spirit and expertise, Martin guides Nourishing Hope in business development and operations. He manages the infrastructure of our practice as well as our global outreach strategy. Martin has an uncanny ability to connect with autism professionals and families that we serve; making sure their every need is met as they partner with our practice and resources. Martin’s inspiration provides our practice with the vision that is necessary for us to grow into an autism wellness organization that meets the needs of families and professionals wordwide.
Martin’s background in organizational psychology has helped Nourishing Hope become a leading global autism diet and nutrition outreach center. He works daily to bring together parents, professionals and resources that allow for hope for autism recovery. He understands that hope is that catalyst for action, that “better” is always possible, and believes that children on the spectrum deserve the opportunity to reach their full potential. He is well respected by national autism organizations, fellow wellness professionals and parents in the autism community. Martin networks with autism programs in the US and abroad. Martin can be reached at Martin@NourishingHope.com