Julie Matthews/Nourishing Hope recently completed a three week trip to Australia. Julie was a featured speaker at the
Mindd International Forum on Children, held in Sydney, where she presented to both parents and clinicians – including professional trainings in collaboration with
MEDMAPS. Leslie Embersits, Alexis Parznos, and the entire team at Mindd create Australia’s preeminent educational forum on integrative healthcare approaches for childhood disorders. Parents, doctors, caregivers, concerned therapists and others connect with the Mindd Foundation to gain invaluable evidence-based insight not yet touted by broader “mainstream” avenues. It’s encouraging to experience the growth of their efforts and conviction to make a difference – because indeed they ARE.
We also held
“Nourishing Hope for Children” workshops in both Perth and the Sunshine Coast – collaborating with local organizations
Autism West and
The Allergy Menu respectively. These events focused solely on diet and nutrition, providing attendees big picture understanding and specific guidance on making best use of specialized dietary strategies for children.
At no time has there been greater need to convey the immense value of giving particular attention to what children eat; especially those affected with a disorder such as autism or ADHD. Significant scientific research supports following a specialized and nutritious diet for this population. Instinctively, mothers know that feeding their children well is fundamental to their optimal development, and no one should be made to think or feel that food doesn’t matter. We are increasingly compelled to share this truth with those affected, many of whom are not being told that simply dietary changes can be helpful.

We were delighted to garner some media coverage in Australia, including a major network drive time radio interview – any mainstream outreach has the potential to inform families that otherwise might not discover the opportunity to learn. We are grateful. See the media links below.
We greatly appreciate the collaboration of our Australia Tour sponsors:
Houston Enzymes,
Speech Nutrients, and
Bio Botanical Research, companies whose products are tried and true and provide direct front line support for families following dietary and biomedical (i.e. integrative/biochemical) approaches. Read more below about them and why we embrace their involvement in sharing the imperative message of nourishing hope.
Your next opportunities to connect with Julie LIVE are: The
USAAA Conference, Salt Lake City in August,
Integrative Medicine for Mental Health (IMMH) Conference, Chicago in September, and
MAPS, Orlando in October. We are also exploring holding “Nourishing Hope for Children” workshops in Chicago and Florida, September and October respectively –
contact us if you’re interested to collaborate.
Please enjoy viewing some photos from our Australia trip, including photos of 3-year old Ruby who wittingly tagged along for our down under journey, coming pretty close to a baby kangaroo! We thoroughly enjoyed making this book for Ruby as a learning tool for her and the children at her preschool, and as a keepsake of this wonderful family experience.
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Australia Press Coverage
Food and autism – is there a link? – ABC Online (RADIO INTERVIEW)
Expert’s workshop on diet and ADHD – The Sunshine Coast Daily
Right diet can help kids with ADHD and autism, says expert– Fraser Coast Chronicle
About our Australia Sponsors
Houston Enzymes: The leading autism enzyme producer; specialized product line, can be helpful even before making any dietary changes, aids digestion, nutrient absorption, and much more! Houston’s Trienza®, No Fenol, and AFP Peptizyde are three of their most popular enzyme formulas.
Speech Nutrients: SpeechNutrients speak™ is a proprietary nutritional formula developed by a pediatrician to support normal and healthy speech development and maintenance. This special blend of nutrients provides targeted benefits including: Nutritional support of verbal and motor skills, reduction in oxidative stress, and promotion of a healthy inflammatory response.
Bio-Botanical Research: Makes professional grade botanical combinations used as nutritional support associated with intestinal ecology, systemic wellness and detoxification. Their product, Biocidin®, is a potent broad-spectrum botanical combination which addresses the G.I tract and supports a healthy and balanced intestinal ecology.