Julie Matthews’ Email to Forbes Requesting Correction


I sent the following email to Forbes on December 5th in response to their inaccurate article on dietary intervention for autism.

Attention Forbes Media, 

I’m writing regarding an article published in Forbes online on November 11, 2019 by one of your contributors, Steven Salzber, entitled “New Autism Study: Gluten-free Diet Does Not Help Autistic Children.”

I believe your article to be inaccurate and I request that you publish corrections accordingly, including my expressed rebuttal.

You can read my response here: https://nourishinghope.com/forbes-article-ignores-abundant-science-on-gluten-free-for-autism/

In addition to the science explained, please note the dozens of comments from parents (and professionals) on how diet helped their children with autism.

As a professional Certified Nutrition Consultant working in this field for 17 years, I have written an award-winning book, published scientific research, and consulted and spoken with thousands of families, and I can say with certainty that your article is filled with misinformation. 

Your article is not only inaccurate, but it’s harmful to families who are looking for ways to help their children feel better. Your article spreads misinformation that discourages them from trying something that is shown to help, as there is plenty of scientific research supporting that diet improves autism symptoms and helps children.

I respectfully request that you correct the misinformation, and publish my rebuttal. 

Furthermore, I’m willing to submit to Forbes a scientifically referenced article on this subject if you are interested to publish it. I’m also open to engage with Mr. Salzberg in a forum where we can actively discuss the science of this subject together. 

I look forward to your response.


Julie Matthews

Forbes has not responded back. So I have sent them another email. If you want to write to Forbes yourselves and share your experience or request for correction, you can write to them at corrections@forbes.com or readers@forbes.com

Julie Matthews is a Certified Nutrition Consultant who received her master’s degree in medical nutrition with distinction from Arizona State University. She is also a published nutrition researcher and has specialized in complex neurological conditions, particularly autism spectrum disorders and ADHD for over 20 years. Julie is the award winning author of Nourishing Hope for Autism, co-author of a study proving the efficacy of nutrition and dietary intervention for autism published in the peer-reviewed journal, Nutrients, and also the founder of BioIndividualNutrition.com. Download her free guide, 12 Nutrition Steps to Better Health, Learning, and Behavior.


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