From the beginning of this school year, I’ve had a story to share. I’ve been waiting for the right time. Now that the school year is complete, it's a perfect time… My daughter, Ruby, takes classes in taiko. It's a form of...
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2018 in review… It’s not all sizzle
The end of the year is a time for reflection and appreciation of all we have. And maybe a look to the future, of what we want to create next. So here’s the good, the bad, and some hope... Life is not always easy. Maybe you can...
Sharing my heart… on my birthday
Today's my birthday! As I reflect on my 48 years on this planet, I want to share what’s in my heart. I’m so grateful for all of my autism parents. My life is so significantly enriched with you in it. You are brave. You are real. You are aware and open-minded. You are...
For Autism Mothers on Mother’s Day
A free gift for you on Mother’s Day! People often ask me HOW I gained so much knowledge about food, nutrition, and specialized diets for autism (and beyond). Sure, I have analyzed hundreds of published studies, collaborated with...