Drink camel’s milk? Really? And, for those who cannot drink the milk from a goat or cow, is it possible camel’s might be for you?
I want to share my experience with camel milk for autism.
As a nutritionist for children with autism for 20 years, my research and clinical experience indicate that most children with autism cannot adequately tolerate dairy.
Particularly, their bodies have challenges digesting the protein casein. Even when milk is raw and contains A2 beta-casein (not A1), experience shows that most children do not tolerate it.
So, imagine my delight (and initial skepticism) when parents approached me and shared personal stories about the healing properties of camel milk, and how it’s fundamentally different than any other milk on the planet.
As I began to research it for myself, I heard from autism parents who told me that camel milk has helped their children tremendously, with no adverse reactions to this “dairy.” (Thank you Randi, Jessica, Nicole, and Christina – I learn so much from you parents on the front lines).
Check out Jessica’s experience with camel milk for her son here. Also, read Christina Adams and her son with autism’s story.
Camel milk may seem obscure, but the more I research and read personal anecdotes from parents and clinicians the world over, the more amazing I think it may actually be at helping kids improve and recover from autism – and many other people with gut issues, immune system challenges, nutrient deficiencies, and more!
If you’re following the GAPS Diet, gluten-free casein-free, or any healing food strategy intended to improve the body’s chemistry and functioning, you’ll want to check out camel milk.
Camel Milk Benefits For Autism
Research and experience from an increasing number of people around the world demonstrate that camel milk facilitates healing in our bodies. Camel milk has many unique and amazing properties.
Since children with autism routinely have immune system challenges, nutrient deficiencies, food allergies and inflammatory food reactions, and underlying biochemical issues that impact their condition, camel milk and its healing properties can be helpful.
Here are some facts on camel’s milk:
- Camel milk has been shown to heal food allergies[1] and gut problems. The antibodies and immune properties of camel’s milk contribute to its wonderful viral and bacterial fighting abilities.
- It is particularly helpful in addressing immune system dysregulation in various forms. Camel milk can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, and it can support and help people with autoimmune conditions, including those with autism.
- A research study by Dr. Reuven Yagil (2005) shows camel milk has positive results in children with autism.[2] And there are several randomized controlled trials showing benefit to behavior and other underlying biochemical factors in ASD.
- Camel milk has been shown to stabilize mast cells. [3]
- Camel milk contains insulin and is effective in diabetes,[4] including gestational diabetes.[5]

Camel herders and indigenous cultures have known about the power of camel milk for a long time. To this day, Bedouin parents send their children to drink camel milk for a couple weeks in their childhood, as they know that it sets up a strong immune system for life. Dr. Weston A. Price observed their dental health (and therefore physical health) was excellent stating, “The Arabs in several districts use camels’ milk extensively. It is nutritious, and in much of the desert country constitutes the mainstay of the nomads for months at a time.”[6]
Camels are built differently than any other animal. Camels are not ruminants but are Tylopodes and have three stomachs, but they do ruminate. They can survive in incredibly harsh climates, and are able to live without water for 30 days at a time (even with little food), while still producing high quality milk. Imagine that!
A large part of camel milk’s healing power stems from the unique and hardy immune system of camels, it’s unlike any other mammal.
Camel Milk: Highly Nutritious with Unique Casein
Camel milk is highly nutritious. The milk contains only 2% fat (I’m not a fan of low-fat, but these are the facts). The fat molecules are joined to protein, so there is no stress on the liver to process it. Higher is some nutrients and lower in others—camel milk is rich in vitamin C (5x that of cow’s milk), iron (10x) and calcium. The fat profile of camel milk varies in a “rich diet” (domesticated camels) versus the diet camels eat in the desert – but generally it’s high in polyunsaturated fatty acids, with a higher ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 compared with cow’s milk.
Camel milk is considered a complete food and can be consumed exclusively while meeting all nutritional requirements. Camel milk is most frequently consumed raw and unpasteurized, because the raw milk contains the most nutritional and immune properties. Only when the quality and safety of the milk is in question would someone pasteurize it.
Camel’s milk contains no beta-lactoglobulin and a “new” beta-casein.[7] Therefore it is not reactive to children with autism and even non-allergenic to those with even the most sensitive allergy to milk and casein. One study found Camel’s milk was also not recognized from circulating IgEs from a child specifically allergic to ewe’s milk.[8] Children with severe food allergies react well to the milk, and astonishingly, fully recover from their allergies including to other foods.[1]
Casein molecules are actually micelles and camel micelles have been found to be larger in size (15 nm) than those of cow milk or human milk.[9] Camel milk has a lower pH than other milk, so that upon entering the stomach the casein micelles do not break down into casein and whey and therefore do not break into casomorphins. Casomorphin creation from cow milk consumption is a common problem in autism that increases autistic symptoms.
Camel Milk: Immune Benefits
One of the most unique and powerful healing aspects of camel milk is its immune system benefits.
And children with autism have underlying immune system challenges and inflammation that affects their brain and autism symptoms including a reduced capacity to fight bacterial, viral and other infections effectively, and chronic inflammation, allergy, and autoimmunity. Camel milk has promising immune system and healing benefits.
Camel milk has an amazing immune profile.
The immunoglobulins (Igs) and protective proteins in camel milk contribute to camel milk’s incredible infection fighting and eradication capacity. Camel Igs (which exist in the milk) are able to penetrate into tissues and cells that human Igs were unable to. Therefore, they are able to get into the kidney or inside a cell, where they are also able to completely neutralize the enzyme activity of an infectious agent such as a bacteria or virus.
Camel Immunoglobulins
Camel milk also contains immunoglobulins (Igs) that are special in camels, including unique subclasses IgG2 and IgG3. The Igs are the same structure as human immunoglobulins but only one-tenth the size. Being so small, they can penetrate into tissues and organs to fight infection and aid repair, where human antibodies cannot.
Camel antibodies have superior antibacterial and antiviral properties. As stated in Dr. Reuven Yagil’s autoimmune paper, “conventional antibodies rarely show a complete neutralizing activity against enzyme antigens, but camel IgG has a full neutralizing activity against tetanus toxin as it enters the enzymes structure.”[10] Viruses can also be neutralized by knocking out their enzyme activity, and studies show the camel antibody is an effective inhibitor against hepatitis C enzyme system.[11]
In a study on camel milk for autism, the author compares camel milk to intravenous immunoglobulin therapy that acts as a natural immunoglobulin therapy, whose effects continue after the therapy is stopped, because of the immune rehabilitating action.
Camel Immune Protective Proteins
Camel milk contains the following immune proteins (often in higher qualities than other milk):
- Peptidoglycan Recognition Protein, PGRP is very high in camel milk. It stimulates the host’s immune response and has antimicrobial activity. It even appears to have an effect on breast cancer in studies.
- Lactoferrin is also in higher concentrations in camel milk, more than cows and goats. Lactoferrin prevents microbial overgrowth and invading pathogens. Lactoperoxidase, has bactericidal activity on gram-negative bacterial like Escherichia coli (E. coli), Salmonella, and, Pseudomonas, and has antitumor activity.
- Lysozyme is an enzyme that is part of the innate immune system that targets gram-positive bacteria. N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosamidase (NAGase) found in similar quantities in human milk has antibacterial activity.
One theory about autoimmune disease is that the body attacks itself because it’s trying (in vain) to get at the bacteria buried in the intestinal tissue. Camel milk’s antibacterial activities and the special immune response allow for their penetration into the intestinal tissues when the “quiet” bacteria turn pathogenic. Because the antibodies are able to get into the affected tissue to attack the infectious agent (for example the saprophyte bacteria found in Crohn’s disease), camel milk can help someone heal in ways not seen through any other intervention – dietary or otherwise.
Camel Milk and Autism (and Beyond)
Dr. Yagil says that “camel milk does not contain the two caseins that lead to the autism symptoms when drinking cow milk. Therefore camel milk can safely be drunk by autistic children.”
The results published in a paper on camel milk for autism were very positive, especially for younger children that “showed an apparent complete recovery from autism after strict removal of cow’s milk”.[2] Regarding the results seen with autism, Dr. Yagil explains, “it is NOT only a case of repressing the clinical signs but a rehabilitation of the immune system. Therefore the kids completely recover. “
Since camel milk is nourishing and easy to digest, it does not trigger allergenic or opiate responses, and helps heal the gut and infections, protecting and enhancing the immune system.
Considering the vast qualities of camel milk, there seems no limit to the range of maladies that it may help address. The positive reports from parents are exciting – camel milk holds great promise, and future study and clinical experience will be valuable. From parents to professionals like Dr. Yagil, I am intrigued and enthused about the value and healing properties of camel milk for people with a wide-variety of health conditions.
Three Randomized Controlled Trials in ASD
RCT on Camel Milk for Improving Behavior in Autism
Dr. Laila Y. Al-Ayadhi has published several studies on camel milk in children with ASD, including comparing raw vs. boiled camel milk. All of her studies are of very high quality study design including being double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled.
In a double-blind, randomized clinical trial, conducted by Al-Ayadhi and Elamin, the potential therapeutic effects of camel milk on children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) were investigated. Sixty-five children, aged 2 to 12 years, participated in the study. The researchers utilized the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS), Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS), and Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) to assess behavioral changes before and after a two-week camel milk therapy period. The results indicated significant improvements in the behavioral characteristics of children who consumed camel milk compared to the placebo group.. Link to study.
RCT on Camel Milk for Reducing Inflammation and Autism Severity
Bashir and Al-Ayadhi conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled study to examine the effects of camel milk on thymus and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC) levels (an inflammatory compound elevated in ASD) and autism severity in children. Forty-five children diagnosed with autism were randomly assigned to receive raw camel milk, boiled camel milk, or cow milk (placebo) for two weeks. The study found that both raw and boiled camel milk significantly reduced TARC levels, whereas no significant changes were observed in the placebo group. Additionally, significant improvements in CARS scores were noted only in the raw camel milk group. These findings suggest that camel milk may reduce neuroinflammation and improve behavioral symptoms in children with autism. Link to study.
RCT on Camel Milk for Reducing Oxidative Stress in Autism
A third double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial by Al-Ayadhi and Elamin investigated the impact of camel milk on oxidative stress biomarkers in autistic children, specifically measuring plasma levels of glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and myeloperoxidase (MPO) before and after two weeks of camel milk consumption. Results indicated that all parameters showed significant increases post-consumption, suggesting a potential therapeutic effect of camel milk in reducing oxidative stress and improving autistic behavior, as evidenced by the improved Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) scores. Group-specific analysis revealed significant increases in plasma GSH in groups I and II, with group II showing notable changes in SOD levels after boiled camel milk consumption. Both groups I (raw milk) and II (boiled milk) exhibited significant elevations in MPO, while no significant changes were observed in the placebo group (group III). ROC analysis further highlighted higher specificity and sensitivity for GSH, SOD, MPO, and CARS in groups I and II compared to group III, reinforcing the potential benefits of camel milk in managing oxidative stress and autism symptoms.. Link to study.
10 Camel Milk Benefits
Camel milk would be a wonderful addition to special diets such as a GAPS diet or other therapeutic diet. And it can be a nourishing food for people looking to boost their nutrition or improve their health. Here are 10 benefits of camel milk.

If you’d like to learn more about the healing benefits of camel’s milk and further research, you can go to my BioIndividual Nutrition blog for practitioners.
Is there a time Camel Milk is not appropriate for autism?
Since everyone is unique and all nutrition is bioindividual, there are some people that camel milk isn’t right for.
I find that some of my clients just don’t tolerate it. Like any food, some people have a negative reaction. Sometimes it’s hard to know why.
Additionally, dairy, including camel milk, is not tolerated with people who have cerebral folate deficiency (CFD), a condition of below normal levels of folate in the central nervous system. Folate receptor protein alpha (FRA) transports folate in the central nervous system. Dr. Quadros who tested camel’s milk stated, “folate receptor alpha antigen is very similar to cow’s milk and the immunoreactivity with the folate receptor alpha is also similar.” There is concern this is the same for camel milk. For children who produce autoantibodies to the folate receptor alpha, camel milk would be contraindicated and should be avoided.
What Does Camel Milk Taste Like?
This is one of the first questions I get when I mention camel milk. And it’s understandable… it’s a very uncommon milk. The good news is, it tastes great. It’s not strong and “goat’y” like goat milk. It’s more similar to cow milk, just not quite as “sweet” and a bit more salty. It’s not actually salty tasting, but it tastes like it has just a touch of saltiness.
My daughter enjoys it, and so do most of my clients. And for children who can’t have cow milk, they are usually happy to be able to drink camel milk.
If your child doesn’t like it or is nervous to try it, add a drop of stevia. It reminds me of leftover sweetened cereal milk.
Where To Buy Camel Milk
You can get camel milk as powder or liquid, pasteurized or raw. It depends on the quality of the source you have access to, and the health of the individual.
For camel milk powder, I like Camelicious and Desert Farms Camel Milk Powder. You can also get Desert Farms frozen. For people looking for raw camel milk in the US I like the Camel Milk Association.
Let me know how camel milk works for your family.
If your looking for camel milk in the USA… Try Camelculture.org
Camel Culture is the largest and most affordable camel milk company in the USA.
Does anyone know if you can get camel milkin ireland or if it can be shipped in without having to pa customs charges. Thanks
Try Camel Culture’s camel milk – it’s delicious!!
Desert Farms Camel Milk UK- Camel Milk! Camel Milk UK Natures most wholesome dairy beverage. Prized for centuries by nomads and bedouins. Buy Camel Milk Online
56 Raynham
Norfolk Crescent
London, W2 2PQ UK
+44 203 695 8445
Can anyone give me websites that ship camel milk to ireland without having to pay customs charges
Good question. I’m not sure. Maybe another family will know.
My daughter who is 2years old have poor eye contact and social interactions.After reading all your reviews about camel milk now I feel relief and I am gonna try it…can any one tell me wether i need to heat it up or just raw camel milk I need to feed? Will this milk produce phlegm? Pls can Anyone reply me…
How much and how long to take the raw camel milk to help my autoimmune to heal…
Hi. I’m hoping to get some help. My baby boy is 6 weeks old and with a sad heart I don’t produce enough breastmilk to keep him full. I had to supplement with formula which goes against everything I believe in. He has a very sensitive stomach and very gassy. I would like to try camels milk for him and I don’t want to tell my doctor as they don’t believe in non traditional methods. All the formula I’ve tried have not agreed with him. Please advice would be great. Thank you.
Hi Julie!
I’m just learning about the GABA-Glutamate link. Are there any concerns with the glutamine levels in camel milk for our autistic kids?
Hi Jordan, I’m unsure of the glutamate levels in camel milk. Also, we should compare raw to pasteurized camel milk, as it’s possible that the more it’s altered from its natural state, the more likely there would be more free glutamate. However, this is only speculation, I haven’t seen any research on raw camel milk in this area.
Hi Julie! One of my massage clients just messaged me tonight and asked me if I’d heard about treating people with autism with camel milk. I told him no, but I’d look into it. Yours is the third website I’ve visited since Googling the topic. My husband, the skeptic, just rolled his eyes at me. HOWEVER, it’s worth a try. My son is gluten, casein, yeast, soy, and a few others—-free, supplemented, therapized, treated, HBOT, the works. I’ve met you at a weekend thing for parents like us. I had NO idea you wrote this article, until 2 hours after I put my son to bed tonight and came back to the computer. Lo and behold! Julie Matthews. NOW, I’m feeling even more positive about what I read tonight. It’ll take a few months to get circumstances to the point where I can run a good, clean trial of camel milk, so that I can get a good read on my son’s physical response(s), but I Do intend to find out if he can tolerate the different casein protein in camel milk. Not only could it help his gut, immune system, and whole body, but I might decide to get into making camel yogurt, camel ice cream, and camel sour cream. Opening up his options for healthy, allowable, and yummy foods is such an exciting prospect. On top of that, I hope it will positively affect his seizures.
Also, I quickly scrolled through comments left here and it looks like a lot of people are looking for sources of camel milk near them. My client, who asked if I knew about this, just informed me that he ran into a camel dairy farmer that is operating his dairy in Mississippi. Whao!!!! IF we can manage to have a camel farmer in Mississippi, then it HAS to be possible for more progressive areas. Yes!
Could you please provide the address/website where I can purchase legitimate Pasteurized Camel Milk in the USA?
Hi could anyone tell me where I could find Camels milk in Australia NSW. Thanks
There are places in Australia which sell camel milk if you check online, but our laws forbid sales of raw milk so it is all pasteurised. Possibly the unpasteurised powder from USA may be better? But value for money, according to their own studies, they consider the nutrients are not much less in the pasteurised. However this is a question for Julie Matthews as there may be things they just can’t measure very well.
Hello Everyone,
If anyone requires CM in Delhi or nearby regions,feel free to call at +91-8130337895/9810069608.
The delivery has to be done in one”s person.
Camel Milk
Welcome to Desert Farms – Camel Milk! Natures most wholesome dairy beverage . Prized for centuries by nomads and bedouins. Buy Camel Milk Online
camel milk
Tremendous probiotic effects with this milk – far better than yogurt in the US. No evidence of MERS transmission since these camels came from Australia. If you have ever been on antibiotics and suffered issues with your colon I recommend you try this. Most folks need to realize that the bacteria balance in the human gut is almost always out of whack, so things like camels milk or unpasteurized cows milk are great ways to get the balance back. Sure beats a fecal transplant! Enjoy.
The camel milk that is available at http://www.camelmilkassosiation.com is raw or pesturised?
There is a typo in the website address. The correction is http://camelmilkassociation.com
Thanks for the info!
Can anybody tell me how much amount per day should I give camel milk to my 4 years old daughter?
Just substitute it for regular milk in her normal daily diet. Remember it is not pasteurized so it has a shorter shelf life, even when refrigerated. You may want to consider the frozen product but I think it tastes a bit watery when thawed.
hi,pl can anyone tell me the right way to consume the cl. I wonder it’s better
to drink it raw or boiled it ?
dose it good for just born baby’s (as I won’t able to breast-feed)? how about ppl with epilepsy?
thanks for ur reply
You can also get camel milk from http://www.ColoradoCamelMilk.com
hi,please can anyone guide me where can I buy fresh camel milk in New South Wales,AUSTRALIA.would be very thankful.
Call up Calamunnda Camels in Perth. They ship fresh or frozen, Australia-wide.
Hi I really need camel milk but can’t find it in Australia
Can any one help!!!!!!!!!!
Call up Calamunnda Camels in Perth. They ship fresh or frozen, Australia-wide.
Camel milk contains several specific proteins, that plays an important role in the defense against bacteria and viruses
Camel milk also has anti-inflammatory effect on the pancreas an effect is favorable for people with diabetes
It is assumed that camel milk insulin does reach the bloodstream and that camel milk thereby affects sugar metabolism better than cow milk.
Camel milk contains a protein similar to insulin. Camel Milk ingredients collapse much slower in the stomach
Prof. Faten Khorshid @faten_khorshid tcu009@hotmail.com
Hello Everyone,
FYI if anyone requires camel milk in Delhi/NCR or in Chandigarh region,please feel free to mail me @ wadhera_sumit@rediffmail.com or call me at 9810069608.
Hello All,
Can anyone help me where to get a camel milk powder here in Dubai. I need to send my son in Philippines. Please help.
We have lots of camels in Australia, many people are wanting camel milk here. We need to get some camel dairies up and running. I think we should just use existing cow dairy set ups. Transport the camels into Eastern Australia break em in and breed them there and milk them on farms. There is a difference between wild ones and ones that have been fully domesticated. It needs to happen, we all want to milk our own camels here in Australia.
Here here, we need to make it happen such a huge untapped resource, I would like to start it going myself! But don’t have any farming skills… I would like to be involved if you have any ideas,
I am interested to try camel’s milk and bought some after doing lots of research and hearing stories of improvement. However, i am wondering if parents have any anecdotes for picky eaters. Because his GFCF diet has been so restrictive im not sure he will even drink a glass of milk. Would it be ok to try to make a strawberry type puree and mix it in to add flavor? We have to do alot of tricks and he loves most fruits so im hopeful. Also, if we could make it into a frozen milk product like frozen yogurt or ice cream i think that might help us as well. I welcome any comments in this regard.
Best regards,
i really love the taste of camel milk and it is nutritious too.’
Most recent post coming from our very own blog
<a href="http://www.healthmedicinelab.com/canker-sore-remedy/ “
Hi every one, i am a camel milk consumer. It is true that it really helps in many health issues, example my son is dyslecxic n has got adhd, he improves so much and now he is just S normal as other kids. My aunt whi is dementia also improves her condition and starts to recall short term memory loss. I got hormonal imbalance n now is back to normal. And because of all this improvment i decide to import n sell camel milk powder in sachet packet. Price sgd$35 in 20sac. Do contact me if interested. My no. 6591296799 or email. Ritaqioot@gmail.com
Does camel milk help kids with epilepsy
Does anyone know?
Thanks to all your team , will post soon some news about the benibenefits of camel milk as a new alternative medication .
Hello my name is shahin uddin I live in Leeds 8 west Yorkshire , I have stared selling camel milk now,because of the benefits you can get from it,it’s a miracle. I sell it frozen in 500ml milk bottles it comes like that,it is very hard to get in the UK & expensive because of the processing of the milk and bring it to the UK,now you can buy the milk from me if you want it. nicco32@hotmail.co.uk
Can it be bought in australia
Calamunnda Camels ship Australia-wide. Fresh or frozen.
Hello rio I am student Of Ayurveda. Anything that you overdo becomes a toxin. Having 10 litres of milk a in a week would create an imbalance to set off an allergy!
The biggest cause of disease according to ayurveda is pragnaperad or ‘ crimes against wisdom’. All mankind is caught in this everyday. Milk is considered kapha and has cold, wet and heavy energies, that is cows, goat less so I don’t know about camel but by the sound it would be more balanced but probably still kapha. Adding spices to milk makes it warmer ( energetically) and therefore easier to digest. All health depends on good digestion! What you don’t digest becomes a toxin and creates disease.
Best wishes,
Please I live in sydney Australia and need this milk for my daughter where can I get camel milk
Fantastic article Julie. I am very interested in the autoimmune results of tests. I have MS and while its the relapsing remitting variety its very annoying. I am on a strict eating regime of no saturated fats (meats, wheat, oils and dairy products) so my diet consists of fish, vegies and rice including rice milk, and I am forever looking for that “something” that could make a significant difference. Now the diet per se that I am on is fantastic and I have seen significant improvement in symptoms, I am forever battling some virus – sinus, flu, tonsillitis several times a year. Has there been any research done regarding camels milk and MS? I am very fortunate in that I am an expat currently living in the UAE, so camels milk is everywhere, and after I read your article I went to the local and bought some – it tastes really nice but perhaps thats after several years of not drinking milk – I also have a developed intolerance to milk whereby I go into anaphalactic shock if I even have a little cows milk (strange how that happened after 30+ years of drinking at least 10 litres of the stuff a week and then overnight BANG allergic!). So I guess I am hoping that this may be the that little extra thing I need to help repair myself. Any extra info would be fantastic.
Camel milk has mdicinal properties but taking raw milk requires proper cleaning/disinfecting the skin but above all camels should be pretested for brucellosis and tuberculosis.Bioled/pasteurized milk should be preferable.It is interesting that it contains insulin.
Out of vegetable, it is learnt that Karela(Bitter melon, the Memordica charatia) is also used in diabetes.
guys ive tried looking everywhwere to buy camel milk in austrlia ,its frustrating . can anyone lead me to a good source or somethine , thnx
Hello friend they is a camel farm in Australia you can order from they.
I have just looked it up on GOOGLE and the camelmilkco.com.au is able to help you. TEL NUMBER 0358546232 is the tel number. Powdered and liquid milk.
(7) 54671707
(7) 54387890
Hi there,
Can you please advise me of where or how to get this camel milk as I live in London UK.
nice information!!help full as we are using the camel milk..with the help of your website we can tell many other people about the camel milk.THANK YOU!
I haven’t been able to drink milk since I was a child, I vomit. What are the ways of drinking camel milk to mask its original taste as i have some in my freezer. Anything outside of milkshake that you could recommend?
Thank you
Should we avoid camel’s milk until we get FRA testing? I would rather not wait to try it, but my son has autism (high functioning, largely cured through Son-Rise, DAN!, GAPS, and now MMS) and I am always desperate to try something possibly helpful! Also, can you make ice cream out of the camel’s milk and retain the positive effects? Thanks!
Hi Everyone,
I am selling camels milk. Im based in the UK. If you want to place an order email me.
send me information about getting cm,thanks
if u want camel milk go to somali or any counrty of muslin nation
milk is very important for ur health
and that is true
muslin people used to get the benefite of camel .meat and milk
Hi I am living in Singapore. I would like to get Camel milk here. As of now..am not able to get CM. Any body could help me out?
Thank u so much
Hello Beena,
I understand and we are trying hard to make it happen to help people living outside India as well but as of now we are getting Camel milk in Delhi & other northern parts of India,so if you happen to come around to Delhi,do call me @ 9810069608 or send me a text and I”ll call you back if you have requirement for Camel milk,Thanks.
Thank you very much for explaining it so thoroughly. I have an autistic son.
About the folate receptor alpha antigen in Camels milk, what if we ignored it and gave camel’s milk just as a treatment for short periods?
Would it affect the cerebral folate levels greatly? Considering the overall numerous benefits, would it be worth trying even if the children have the immunoreactivity? If there is overall improvement in immune system with the milk, maybe the autoimmunity to folate rec. alpha antigen would also be treated.
Greatly appreciate your interest in autism and ADDH.
Does anyone know who sells Fresh Camels milk in Australia? I have been searching for a long time…
Hi Julie – do you know if Reuven Yagil has written/commented or published anything in regards to the Cerebral Folate issue? Thanks!
Hi! I am expecting my first delivery of Camel’s milk and let me say, it was not an easy find. There are strict laws around camel milk consumption in the US. You basically need to own the camel that gives you the milk. The way dairy farmers are getting this much-needed nutrition to people is by offering to sell shares of their camels. Each farm has different co-op membership fees, but once paid, you are an official co-owner, and thereby legally allowed to drink camel milk. Google camel milk for sale, there should be a link to a camel farm that was featured on “Dirty Jobs”. That site will give you info on when their milk will be available. It also has a page where you can email the head farmer about other camel co-ops, and he will send you info. If it’s ok with Julie, I can repost the name of the co-ops I went through, but if you follow these simple google instructions you should find it relatively easy, so to speak.
Good Luck!!!
Forgot to mention, it’s somewhat pricey…around $13 a pint(including shipping) Once membership fees are paid, you can split the share of milk with a friend or two. I went in with another co-op mom so I didn’t have to store 20 pints of milk in my freezer!!! For me, the price was worth it, as meds and supplements are often far more costly in the long run. Plus my casein free kiddos can now have yogurt, butter and maybe even some camel ice cream! yum!
Can you just get one bottle to try it? I don’t know of anyone I can share with…
Hi Julie,
I have just been approved by the Camel Milk Association to order (yay!). Do you know if there is any nutritional difference between fresh and frozen? Also, do you pasteurize yours before drinking it?
Thank you for this wonderful information. I’m wondering for those who can’t access or afford the cost of camel milk: what’s the next best thing? Is there a mixture of supplements or would raw goat milk be a step in the right direction? I know each person is different but I’m wondering how to get close to the benefits of CM if the milk isn’t possible right now.
Thanks for your help
Great question Nicole. There is not really a substitute for camel milk. Goat milk is not tolerated by many with casein sensitivity, and the immune properties of camel’s milk are unique.
Hi Julie:
I am very interested in giving my 12yo son (PDD/Autism) he has alot of GI issues, acid reflux and yeast. Is there a “die-off” period when starting the camel’s milk. Do you kids that have drank the milk and helped them heal, do they have to keep drinking the milk. If they stop will it cause a regression?
Thank you.
From what I remember, Dr. Yagil mentioned that many of the benefits often continue after the milk is stopped. In other words, I wouldn’t expect a “regression” specifically in response to removing it; however, if the milk is helping it’s possible some of those benefits would go away and other symptoms come back (not a “regression” per se). I encourage you to join the Healing with Camel Milk Facebook group and ask some of the moms your other questions regarding their personal experience.
Hi Julie,
CamelMilkAssociation.org is not taking new members at this time. Do you have another source for camel milk that you can share?
Have you joined the Healing With Camel Milk Facebook group? There you can find out how to get the milk.
What an amazing article! I have to admit, when I first read a post about camel’s milk on the low-oxalate diet forum, I was skeptical. I never imagined it could promote so much healing!
I was wondering – what does it taste like?? Does it taste like cow’s milk? Is there a strong flavor? From all of the other posts, it seems like most parents did not have trouble getting their kids to drink it, which is great!
Thank you for a great article!
Thanks Laura! Yes, I was skeptical at first too. It took me months listening to parents and researching the topic before I understood the full picture. It’s very exciting! I think it tastes quite good. It’s salter than other milks, but more similar to raw cow milk than goat milk (no “goaty flavor at all). Although on occasion it can have a bit of a “camel kick” (not sure how to describe it but it’s not really unpleasant. The kids seem to really like it. I’ve never heard a complaint.
Hi Julie, I’ve been unsuccessful in finding out whether or not camel’s milk can overcome life-threatening anaphylaxic food allergies (dairy, egg, peanuts). Do you have any knowledge about the severity of food allergies it can help? Thank you in advance for any feedback you can provide!
Hi Peggy, there is an interesting case study article from Dr. Yagil on his experience with children with anaphylaxic foods allergies (include below). Of course, never try addressing something serious like this without the help of a physician on board. You may want to start by reading this full article, not just the abstract. You also may want to approach Dr. Yagil and talk with him about his experience. Join the “Healing with Camel Milk Facebook group – he can often be reached thru them. It’s an interesting topic for further research. Yosef Shabo MD, Reuben Barzel MD, Mark Margoulis MD and Reuven Yagil DVM. Camel milk for food allergies in children. IMAJ 2005;7:796–798
I enjoyed this informative article. My sons and I have just begun drinking camels milk. We are in the first week. They have been diagnosed with PANDAS, an autoimmune disorder and also mycoplasma, EBV recently as well. I notice my younger son’s color has improved and his meltdowns have changed. There is less rage and OCD seems more prominent. He seems more present during these episodes. They are both sleeping better. I noticed for myself a big improvement in my mood and a noticeable relaxation of my tense muscles (lyme)and improved sleep. I also have noticed an increase in congestion/sinus/eye issues that I’m hoping is cleansing. We are still so new to this, but very hopeful!
Dear Jennifer,
We have very similar situations (autism, PANDAS, etc.). Has the intensity of the OCD shifted since you wrote this post? That seems to be the only downside of what you wrote. Thanks!
Hi Julie,
What a beautifully written article about the health benefits of Camel’s Milk. I have to say, when I first heard about Camel’s Milk a couple of weeks ago, I thought oh, brother, really? But after doing some research and reading about a few case studies, I decided to give it a try with my family for a number of reasons. First of all, my kids’ recovery from Autism has been largely due to diet and the right food as our medicine. Secondly, my kids’ have lost their Autism diagnosis but have had some carry over ADD and OCD issues.
It has been one week since we began drinking it (my twins and I are making two milkshakes a day). What I have noticed is that the OCD issues are GONE and my kids’ are very calm. The boys’ just turned 13 this past weekend and we had 18 kids over for a party and my kids’ were absolutely AWESOME-no emotional events whatsoever! They didn’t get upset about anything and they just went with the flow, just like the rest of the kids!
I am sold!
This is an amazing result Jane! Thanks for sharing your experience with camel’s milk.
Can you please tell me whether camel milk would be suitable for a low oxalate diet? We are also GFCFSF and no phenols for my 4.5yr old son. At the moment we are doing a restricted version of the BED diet as we are desperate for an increase in nutritional value with such an extremely limited diet. He did tolerate the pasteurised version of camel milk on a 3 month holiday in Dubai approx a year ago. If only I knew about RAW than!!
Hi Claudia, Interesting that you tried camel milk in Dubai! Milk, in general, is low oxalate and low salicylate, so I’d imagine camel’s milk is too (although I don’t think it’s officially been tested). Are you on BED and low oxalate? That seems difficult since most BED grains are high oxalate.
We are on low oxalate diet and have recently added some elements of BED to increase nutrition as I was getting very worried about limited food choices. My son now loves fermented vegetables and also the fermented young green coconut juice. But like you mentioned- extremely difficult as he’s only having the BED flax seed bread, not the other allowed grains since they are high oxalate. His diet is basically organic chicken, beef, fish, eggs and some vegetables (cauliflower, peas, asparagus,zuchini, broccoli, avocado). Should I be looking at some different foods that you know of? Also saw your article on salmon roe and very interested to add this also. Just ordered your book so hopefully some more clues to some great nutrition. Thank you.
Our son (5yrs old) has been on the milk for almost 7 months. While we have not really seen much improvement in speech (he is non verbal) or focus and so on like most state, I trully believe camel milk is one of the most important interventions we have used on our road to recovery. For the first 2 years of our sons life he was always in the upper portion of the growth charts, he would fall any where between the 90th to 100th percentille in height. His weight was not as high, usually ranging anywhere from 50th to 60th percentille. By the time our son went in for his 3 year check up he had fallen into the 15th percentille in height and the 5 percentille in weight. At 3.5 years of age, we had an appointment with a nutritionalist and at that point he was entirely off the charts. It was not until we started the camel milk that our little man began to finally grow and gain weight again. When we started the milk he weighed just barely above 30lbs and some days he would dip down to 28 or 29 lbs. He is now, 40 lbs and growing! He has also grown about 2 inches in that time. He is finally back on the charts, barely, but back on. Prior to starting the milk he looked so sickly most days, camel milk has improved his health in so many ways.
Kara, thanks so much for sharing your experience. It sounds camel’s milk was very instrumental in improving your child’s health and weight gain. I’m curious if your son was “casein-free” (i.e. off all cow, goat, and sheep milk) before starting camel milk.
Yes, we started the GFCF diet just after he turned 2 and then moved on to SCD about six months after that. He was on a very strict SCD diet for the last 2 years. He was on SCD at the time of starting the milk but about a month ago we began to add in some grains, after so long on SCD and never seeing any improvement we decided it was time to move on (he has never had any improvements through dietary intervention aside from the camel milk). Our son has a severe reaction to cow milk, we have never seen any negative reaction with the camel milk 🙂
am moved by all this benefits of camel’s milk and yet as nomadic pastoralist,this information has not reached us.for instance most people from Marsabit County where I come from,prefer cows milk to camels.I would request the concerned group to extend their mission to this ‘home of camel’ zone where the community can be sensitized on the same.
Hi Julie,
I am wondering if Camel’s Milk is safe for children who have cerebral Folate deficiency. I believe that all dairy products from animals block the cerebral Folate receptors. My son was diagnosed via blood test (antibodies were present) and lumbar puncture (low Folate). He has done very, very well since going dairy free and adding OTC folinic acid and then prescription level folinic acid.
Thanks for any input you may have on this!
Amy, I’ve updated my article, and including some information on this at the end.
Dear Julie-
Thank you so much for the wonderful summary on camel’s milk. We have several families in our area following the gaps diet for various reasons. We are interested in ordering from the camel farm in Michigan but have done lots of research on our local farms that supply raw cow’s milk. We will not be able to do the same level of investigation of the camel farm due to our proximity. If you would be willing to share you experience and level of comfort with your orders that would be very helpful!!!
Also, have you found that children also unable to tolerate lactose do well with camel’s milk? We are on the step to introduce yogurt on GAPS, which would eliminate the lactose factor completely, but after reading more about the uniqueness of the camel’s milk I hate to even disturb it’s natural properties. The thought of giving straight milk is so foreign right now but I’m definitely willing to give it a shot based on what I am reading.
Thank you so much!!!
Please join the group and read about what makes camel milk so unique and there has not been a single case in the Healing with Camel Milk FB group of over 400 (not all are yet on the milk) of having an adverse allergic reaction. In fact, one of the parents of a very sick infant with huge intolerances, she is now according to her mom, a NORMAL one year old who just stays away from soy and dairy. I recommend everyone go to http://www.healingwithcamelmilk.com to learn more and be able to ask Reuven Yagil questions.
Julie Thank You for all of your hard work and effort with getting the word out about Camel Milk.
We started my daughter on CM just over 8 months ago. We have battled GI and Viral issues most of her life. After only being on the milk for a day. We started to see increased signs of illness. A fever followed shortly after. The sickness lasted for about a week. Within these first few days we saw calmness, improvement in stools, better use of vocabulary. Within a few weeks of her being on 1 1/4 pints of camel milk we began to see a Flat tummy(For the fist time after trying numerous things) ,Eye Contact , independent playing Wanting to socialize, but on a normal level (not being overly friendly & showing reservation with strangers when appropriate) ,Not running off and using caution (Always a runner) ,Listening to direction (to a point), AKA what I find to be normal attitude (without the huge bursts of anger) ,Her moods are rather normal (appropriate for age) ,Consistency with EVERYTHING!!!! Normal stools- (Not so large and no undigested foods) We are finally seeing ROLLS on a previously skinny girl and Hair is finally starting to grow!
Thanks to Camel Milk our lives will never be the same. It is something that we just can’t live without.
What about lactose? Can you make yogurt with it?
There are some people making yogurt with it. It’s not as easy or the same texture as thick cow’s milk yogurt but it’s doable.
I get my camel milk from http://camelmilkassociation.org
Great synopsis of the many benefits…I would like to add some of the unusual benefits I have seen personally in my family(Its really cheap in India so my whole family is on it- i pasteurise it and drink it)
1)Camel milk relieves pain and heals mouth ulcers(My mom and me both)
2)It relieves/heals muscle pain and inflammation due to injury/exertion(seen in myself, my husband and my son)
3)It heals old skin scars(my husband)
4)Builds energy and endurance
5)It appeared to help heal two very incurable conditions that my Dad had simultaneously
a)Intra ocular retinal vein occlusion edema(there was inflammation and vision loss due to a wound on his retina)
b)Carotid blockage(It reduced from 75% to 40 %)
All these happened within a couple of MONTHS of consuming camel milk
Thanks for sharing your experience Harshita! It’s amazing to hear such great results, even with pasteurized camel’s milk.
hi, i want to buy camel milk for my son and mother.
This is a good place to point out that whenever possible the optimum way to take the milk is without heating it and that it is pathogen free. In Harshita’s case, because her source is in India, it was not milked and handled in the same way as it is in the US.
Hi Harshita,
I came across your heartening story and efforts on facebook as well as read about your use of camel milk on website (http://treatautismnow.wordpress.com/). Unfortunately I was unable to reach you at 9958911003(source: http://www.akhilautismfoundation.org).
I am also trying to procure camel milk in Mumbai for a close relative and have reached dead end with Rajasthan Co-op Dairy not maufacturing it anynmore. I will be greatly obliged if you can show me how to procure camel milk in Mumbai on a regular basis. All my best wishes are with you for a speedy recovery for your child!
Thanks in advance
Hey Revathi,hope you doing fine & so is everyone in your family. Perhaps my cousin is trying to start Camel Milk service again & I’m on to it but we just do in Delhi/Noida/Gurgaon & Chandigarh/Panchkula/Mohali only but if you would like to speak & work it out,I’m sure there can be ways which will be managable for you to have raw & fresh camel milk dear. Call @ +918130337895,Rohit….Thanks & all the best.
Hi Sumit. I live in Panchkula. Please let me know where I can buy pure camel milk.
Hi Randeep,
Contact on 9872866010(Panchkula Number) to know more about Camel milk availability.
Hi Sumit,
i live in Chennai tamilnadu… my son is suffered from mild autism so i would like to feed raw camel milk .. please help me to find out where can i get it from tamilnadu even if it is from karnataka or kerala state also no problem.. we will travel and get it for my son.. please reply soon
Pl guide me how to boil it when i boil it .
It goes very thick and unpeasant taste
So i left drinking camel milk
Thanyou for your co-operation
Shahid latif
Hello friend I also sell camel milk, I am a agent in Leeds please do NOT heat or boil the camel milk,all the goodness from the milk will evaporate,shake the milk 25/30 times then drink it,more you shake it,it will go worm. thanks shahin
Hello shahin. I would be interested in buying can you email me at amjidshah23@hotmail.com. Thanks.
You can buy Pure Camel Milk in the UK – http://www.purecamelmilk.co.uk or email info@purecamelmilk.co.uk for your nearest retailer.
Can you please share the address from where you get Camel Milk in India?
I live in Delhi and would really appreciate if you could share the contact.
Contact me on rohit1983in@gmail.com or call me on 8130337895 for camel milk in Delhi/NCR
Hi Gaurav,feel free to reach us out @ +918130337895 Rohit/9810069608 Sumit and we will surely make it happen for you about Camel Milk,Thanks.
Hi Sumit,
i live in Chennai tamilnadu… my son is suffered from mild autism so i would like to feed raw camel milk .. please help me to find out where can i get it from tamilnadu even if it is from karnataka or kerala state also no problem.. we will travel and get it for my son.. please reply soon
Hi Harshita, i am from Gurgaon. we are able to get camel milk from a village. but i am sceptical if i should give it to my son in raw form or un-boiled form as recommended. how do you pasteurize it at home.
hai can u send me camel milk I m from south india I don’t know where to get ineed a fresh camel milk please reply me im asking for my daughter
where can you get camel milk?
Great info! Where can you buy it?
So interesting. I have never heard of camel milk before. How do you get it? I can’t even get raw cow’s milk in this state, I have no idea how I would get camel milk!
Great article, Julie! Camel milk has been an absolute God-send for our children. We were skeptical at first, after all, it IS a milk. After reading the facts about it’s medicinal properties, we just knew this was the one missing piece for our children who have been healing via biomed for years already. And low and behold, the milk sent us over that healing edge. Our more effected six year old has been more consistent than ever before. They have been on the milk for over 6 months and I believe that even though you see rapid results, the true healing comes over time. Like you mentioned, healing takes places in the body at much deeper levels with this nutritional food source. Our three year old was two when we started and he has always been failure to thrive. Just TWO days on the milk and he gained TWO pounds, no joke! Another week added a third pound, and yet another weeks later. He also gained inches in height! We are thrilled with our camel milk and could never imagine our life without it!!
Thanks Jessica! I have chills as I read the progress your son has made with camel milk. Thanks for sharing this.
Where are sources for camel milk?
Hi Diane, there are a number of sources. One is the CamelMilkAssociation.org. There are others as well, but I’m not sure of their interest in being publicized online. Join the Healing with Camel Milk facebook group and they can share more farmers with you.
this is azam khan from pakistan i have camel milk farams i am itrested seals my camel milk product please help and guiad me .
Interesting. Where can you buy camel’s milk though? Especially raw? Do you have a source you can share?
Raw camel milk is available in the US from http://camelmilkassociation.com/.
9 pints frozen raw camel milk for $90.00. Does require at least two day shipping charges – up to additional $45.00.
I am very curious about where you could purchase milk from Camels? Thank you
Raw camel milk is available in the US from http://camelmilkassociation.com/.
9 pints frozen raw camel milk for $90.00. Does require at least two day shipping charges – up to additional $45.00.
Hi Kirsten,
We got Camel milk from the site you recomended, but since it is raw unpasteurized. Do we need to heat it or driking raw is safe?
If we need to heat, what is the temperature and duration.
Where in the world do you buy it???
•Camel milk is only available as frozen in 500 ml bottles priced at £3.50 each and has a long expiry date
•The milk can be collected in person or an overnight delivery can be arranged.
For more details
•Main UK supplier:
•Mr Ahmed Al-Suweidi
•Mobile:07717398348 or 07765896061
Email: swidi1@yahoo.co.uk
this is the farm link: http://www.kamelenmelk.nl/
Dear mr ahmed
Pl guide me when i boil fresh camel milk it goes very thick and taste also change to un pleasant
Pl guide me what to do
Shahod latif
Do not boil the milk, the heat will break down some of the healing properties. Drink it cold.
i am in london and i would like to know ur store.
What a well written article! Thanks so much for breaking it down for us. I have not had the time to read the research and you saved me about 2 hours. You are on the cutting edge of nutrition always! I can’t wait to hear about your clinical experience over the next few months. Please do keep us posted.
Hi Julie,
I am SO intrigued. I am in S.F. Where can we get camel milk here?
I look forward to hearing more.
I order from them. Great stuff, and now they sell camel milk kefir.
i would really want some pure camel milk in london please let me know.
•Camel milk is only available as frozen in 500 ml bottles priced at £3.50 each and has a long expiry date
•The milk can be collected in person or an overnight delivery can be arranged.
For more details
•Main UK supplier:
•Mr Ahmed Al-Suweidi
•Mobile:07717398348 or 07765896061
Email: swidi1@yahoo.co.uk
this is the farm link: http://www.kamelenmelk.nl/
I recently found it at Whole Foods in San Rafael, it may be in SF as well.
I have a question though. My daughter tried it and hated it! I added a little maple syrup and she said it was worse. Any tricks to get kids to drink it? (she is 7.) thanks!
The first question that I have with any milk or animal product is: Is it fed ONLY its natural diet?
With camels and ruminants like cows, goats, lamb, sheep, etc., this means ONLY grass. Not mostly grass — “finishing” with grains or supplemental feed, or “only” feeding them in the wintertime messes up the nutritional composition a lot.
This has been cited many times in many different places, and measured.
It ALSO means that the taste becomes, in my experience, foul.
I’ve had grass-fed camel milk, and it tastes sweet.
It’s either that, or the person in question is addicted, taste-bud-wise to “Standard American Diet” stuff — bread, eating out, seed oils, etc.
If you eat an ‘ancestral’-type diet for awhile, your taste buds generally adjust.
This is due in part to the flora (microbes) in your gut adjusting — different species will thrive on different foods, and as they change, they affect your taste buds and cravings.
This actually applies to any diet.
But, if you’re trying to eat healthy, or get someone else to eat healthy… make things that are interesting, pretty, and somewhat tasty for awhile — spur the emotional component of food enjoyment!
(This is probably why there are so many recipes for things like “Five Spice Lamb” and such on websites, rather than just “Eat grass-fed meats. And throw them in water to boil. Or whatever.”)
Beyond that, give it time. 🙂
Grass-fed yogurt tasted REALLY bitter to me the first time I had it. It also made my stomach feel great.
then, as I shifted and adjusted, it began tasting sweet. And all store-bought, crowded-raising, grain-fed milk tasted.. to the point of rancid. Terrible.
It had tasted tolerable, or sweet, before.
Finally, if your daughter’s interested, you could make it exciting: being strong and good and healthy.
Not falsely exciting, or stressfully exciting, like…. the type of “healthy” that’s just being done because there’s the “expectation” that you’re “supposed to” — which I fear is how many people approach introducing this concept to young humans.
…find her actual, genuine interests. Find something she can connect to, however small — being able to run faster? pretty?
…and then deepen that and teach her about how all o that comes from whole-system, internal health.
I was sort-of, kind-of given this myself.
Being healthy and such was always exciting to ME when I was young. Not for the sake of others, or for the sake of pleasing anyone, or looking good.
For myself, honestly. It made me happy.
And, although much of my understanding of health as deep and systemic came from my own passion, where I was raised, there was definitely an awareness of health as an overall thing that impacts everything… even if it wasn’t scholarly, or put into words.
Oh, I must mention that all of the above has been true of me from the time that I was 3-ish.
I did not choose to have candies or sweets, or chips/junk food — they honestly tasted icky to me.
There’s not much inherent about being a young human being that means you HAVE to like junk.
Young humans do seem to find ‘interesting’ foods more exciting. Ones that are ‘special’ — shaped differently, interesting spices/ingredients, fun…
You could try making your own yogurt with it, I suppose.
Or kefir — that supposedly cultures more easily.
Both might be new, and different, and exciting — homemade cultured things!
(Apart from that, look into whether it actually does taste horrible because it’s grain-fed and/or factory-raised and such.
And, if it is, maybe try looking online for a source that is purely grass/pasture-fed.)
(Oh, in case it wasn’t explicit, this should mean that:
There’s nothing inherent about being a young human being that means you HAVE to dislike “healthy” items.
Although perhaps individual taste buds vary, and the general trend of taste buds supposedly varies with age.
But, really, everything was always yummy to me — broccoli, brussels sprouts, asparagus, the famously bitter ‘bitter melon’…
The only times I remember NOT liking greens were when they were wilty and mushy and canned, or the type that don’t freeze well, or flavored with stuff because they’d come out of a can/package… as with corn in ‘frozen veggie mixes’.)
Ah, right, by the way: I have/had? Asperger’s, if that’s useful for data somehow.
And, I at least -suspect- that all the above that I’ve written is true — that young humans have pretty malleable taste buds.
But, I could be wrong, or basing my experience on myself as a rare oddity.
Or, not liking certain foods could also be different for young humans with particular unresolved autism-spectrum, ADD, bipolar etc. issues because of the way their body is currently functioning differently.
Without realizing that I was on the Nourishing Hope site (thought I was replying to comments on a more mainstream article that I had open beside this), I semi-assumed that your daughter was fairly normative when I wrote that… but maybe that’s not the case. 🙂
I just called Whole Foods in Southern New Jersey. They do not sell it.
Hi where are you located, we have made a time to collect milk on the 04/12/14 from a farm just two hrs out side if Brisbane. They also deliver interstate ! I can pass on the details to u, but prepare to wait !