Comment re: Autism diet: Are claims true? Autism families need help, not opinionated discouragement from our nations leading scientific institutions. Why do organizations such as the Mayo Clinic spend time and effort trying...
Food Additives Finally Recognized as Causing Hyperactivity
A study published in September 2007 issue of The Lancet “Food additives and hyperactive behaviour in 3-year-old and 8/9-year-old children in the community: a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial,” conducted by...
Scientists make Gut-Brain Connection to Autism and Harvard Professor validates Diet & Nutrition approach for Autism
Martha Herbert, assistant professor in neurology at Harvard Medical School, is a brilliant researcher and doctor. The thing I love most about her is her heart and understanding of the interplay of the environment and...
Fermented Foods that Heal
Fermented foods are live lactobacillus (the bacteria found in yogurt) fermentation - foods naturally fermented with good bacteria to help break them down and aid digestion. A majority of children on the autistic spectrum...
Strategies for Picky Eaters
If you have a picky eater, don’t despair. You are not alone. Many of my clients particularly those with autism) are very picky eaters – I’ve had children that could tell the difference between two lot numbers of a...
Raw Dairy with Autism
One of the most successful diets for autism (as reported by 1446 parents of DAN – Defeat Autism Now) is the gluten and casein-free (dairy-free) diet. Sixty-five percent state that their child improved when implementing this...
Healthy and Anti-inflammatory Fats
Fat is crucial for brain function and development. The addition of cod liver oil has been particularly beneficial for autistic spectrum disorders - increasing mood, improving cognitive function, aiding healing, and reducing...
Faulty Sulfation and Methylation
If the biochemistry of sulfation and methylation are too complex or (like calculus in high school) just aren’t relevant or interesting to your daily life, here’s all you need to know about it. To see many details on...
Fat Chance! Saturated Fats vs. Trans Fats
On KQED radio the other day, I heard a discussion about New York’s proposed ban of trans fats from restaurant food. Sheila Cohn Weiss, director of Nutrition Policy, National Restaurant Association perpetuated a common...
Candida / Yeast
Yeast (Candia albicans being the most common) is a pathogen, but it lives in check with the good bacteria in our intestinal tract. When we take antibiotics (anti = against life) to kill the pathogenic bacteria, we are not...