Personalized Nutrition/Special Diets
Every child is unique and so are their nutritional needs. Our underlying body systems, biochemical factors, and nutrient deficiencies shape the foods that are best (and not best) for each of us individually. You can gain an overview on personalized nutrition and special diets here.
And explore all of our articles on special diets and BioIndividual Nutrition® strategies (my proven methodology for personalized nutrition) below.
Oxalates and Autism
In my earlier article about oxalates, I explained how oxalates influence the biochemical progression and symptomatic expression of varied chronic diseases. Through an overarching “lens” of 15 years’ research and clinical experience with autism, I identified multiple...
Oxalates: Their Influence on Chronic Disease
New science and clinical experience reveal concerns about oxalates that far exceed traditional kidney stone pathology. In order to best support their patients and clients, integrative practitioners, and especially diet and nutrition specialists would benefit from...
Study on Gluten Sensitivity in Autism Sheds Further Light on the Gluten-Free Diet
As a Certified Nutrition Consultant specializing in autism, I’ve spent the past twelve years researching and explaining the underlying scientific rationale for dietary intervention for affected children. The Research I’m surprised to still hear people say,...
The Gaps in GAPS? What you need to know
As a Certified Nutrition Consultant specializing in autism for over ten years, I have found the GAPS Diet to be one of the most effective strategies for aiding health and healing. Extensive scientific research indicates that...
Researchers Identify a Cause of Food Allergies
Food allergies are very common in children with autism, ADHD, and related disorders, and have been significantly on the rise in the last decade. There are many theories and "possible" causes including: the hygiene theory (being...
Oxalates and the Low Oxalate Diet: Interview with Karla Wiersma and Julie Matthews
Oxalates are sharp crystals that are very inflammatory. Oxalates bind to minerals in the diet like calcium and can create mineral deficiencies. They can perpetuate a yeast overgrowth, even if you are on a low sugar and starch-free...
Udderly New Insight About Milk and Autism: An Emerging New Hypothesis on A1 and A2 Beta-Casein
Reposted from December 31, 2008, By Julie Matthews, Certified Nutrition Consultant As an autism nutrition consultant, I’ve been supporting clients following the Gluten-Free Casein-Free (GFCF) diet for...
Celiac Disease Presenting as Autism
The Journal of Child Neurology published a special article online June 29, 2009 (published ahead of printing) entitled “Celiac Disease Presenting as Autism.” The article is a case study of a 5-year-old boy diagnosed with autism...
Feingold Diet/Phenols
As we have seen in great detail (in my book, Nourishing Hope), many individuals with ASD and other neurological and immune system disorders appear to have faulty sulfation and cannot process phenols well. This protocol reduces phenols in the diet. The...