Digestive issues are common in autism spectrum disorders, and fermented foods are a helpful dietary component for supporting and balancing the digestive system. In fact, beneficial bacteria in these foods support many body...
Search Results
Fermented Foods that Heal
Fermented foods are live lactobacillus (the bacteria found in yogurt) fermentation - foods naturally fermented with good bacteria to help break them down and aid digestion. A majority of children on the autistic spectrum...
Unlocking Hope: A Comprehensive Guide to Dietary Changes for Autism Symptoms in Children
Insights into the influence of dietary changes on symptoms of autism are providing families with more hope than ever before. Autism has long been considered a “mysterious” brain disorder that begins/ends in the brain, and that affects observable social behavior. But...
Unraveling the Connection Between Food and Aggression in Children
Aggression is a difficult and sometimes devastating symptom that occurs in children for varied reasons—some known and some unknown. The correlation between food and behavior intrigued me 20 years ago, and sparked my career as a nutrition researcher and clinician. And...
Is Your Christmas Tree Causing Meltdowns? Healthy Solutions to Keep the Holidays Happy
The holidays are a wonderful time for being together with family and celebrating. But there are also holiday traditions that can inadvertanly lead to behavioral and emotional reactions. Holiday treats and decorations can cause biochemical overload and physiological...
Helping Children with Anxiety Through Personalized Nutrition and Therapeutic Diets
An astounding 31% of children have anxiety (and 46% of adults!) To say this is a problem would be an understatement in my opinion. Symptoms of anxiety can be debilitating and can negatively impact the child’s home life, school performance, friendships, and ability to...
BioIndividual Nutrition and Therapeutic Diets
Personalizing Your Diet and Nutrition Approach Once you’ve made changes in your child’s diet (or even your own) and seen some improvements, now it’s time to customize your approach, optimizing the food your child eats to suit their unique needs. There are many special...
What You Need to Know About a Low Histamine Diet
Is your child experiencing a regression right now? Inflammatory response going haywire, despite their usual dietary patterns? Maybe it seems like your child seem is going through a yeast flare despite anti-candida diets or maybe even anti-fungal therapy. What about...
Fecal Transplant for Autism: What We Know (& What We Don’t)
When it comes to emerging treatments to address symptoms of autism, few things have garnered the attention (or Google searches) as the fecal transplant. This treatment gained the spotlight in early 2019 after researchers in Tempe...
Can an ADHD diet really work?
A diet for ADHD may actually be the answer for many families seeking relief not found in traditional treatment. Find out why an ADHD diet works and how to do it.
Help Your Child: How to Reduce Tummy Aches and Heal the Gut
Gastrointestinal Problems and Developmental Delays Gastrointestinal problems and developmental delays are often connected. According to one study, children with autism, as well as ADHD and other developmental delays, have higher rates of medical conditions than their...
Inflammation in Anxiety, ADHD, Autism, and Other Neurological Conditions:
Nutrition to Calm the Nerves
In today’s fast paced world, with little rest, overloaded with toxins, and devoid of nutrients, inflammation is very common. Once triggered, it can be hard to shut off – and if certain biochemical processes persist, chronic...