Study on the Effects of a Vitamin/Mineral Supplement in Autism
Recently, there has been quite a lot of controversy in the media (and even in the nutrition field) on whether diet and nutritional supplements can help autism. I’ve been focused on the science and application...
Food & Mood: 9 Steps to Calm the Anxious Mind by Trudy Scott
The following is an article written by my friend and colleague, Certified Nutritionist, Trudy Scott. Trudy was our guest speaker on the very important topic of Anxiety for our Nourishing Hope Support Club. Anxiety...
Supplements for Autism and ADHD
When following any specialized diet for healing, you've got to know about supplements. After speaking with thousands of parents at conferences, webinars, and client appointments over the past ten years, I've realized that this is...
Study: Prenatal Vitamins Reduce the Risk of Autism
A study on prenatal vitamins and autism was conducted emphasizing the importance of proper nutrient intake before and during the early stages of pregnancy. This study in Epidemiology, lead by Rebecca Schmidt, found that...
Air Pollution Causes DNA Changes Relevant to Autism
Epigentics is a relatively new field of study involving the changes in genetic expression (versus gene sequence). This ability to turn on and off genes is a way for humans to rapidly adapt to changes in our...
How to get Calcium on a Dairy-Free Diet
Calcium-Rich Foods for Casein-Free Diets Calcium is an important nutrient. It’s essential for strong bones, as well as supporting muscle contraction, heart function, and neurotransmitter release. Studies show that children with autism are often deficient in calcium. ...
Splenda – Important to Avoid for Children with Autism and GI Disorders
In a study conducted by Dr. Mohamed B. Abou-Donia, et al. and published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, the artificial sweetener Splenda was found to have several health concerns. According to the study on...
Faulty Sulfation and Methylation
If the biochemistry of sulfation and methylation are too complex or (like calculus in high school) just aren’t relevant or interesting to your daily life, here’s all you need to know about it. To see many details on...