Kids Cook

Julie’s Interviews with Experts

Julie Matthews hosts a weekly radio show in San Francisco called Reality Sandwich, where she investigates nutrition & diet interventions and other alternative and holistic healing topics. You can listen to Julie's past radio...

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INTERVIEW with Julie Matthews

Betsy Hicks, author, diet counselor, and the mother of a son with autism, interviews Julie on her Autism One radio program that also airs on Heath America radio. Betsy and Julie talk about varied diet approaches, recent news about...

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Fermented Foods that Heal

Fermented foods are live lactobacillus (the bacteria found in yogurt) fermentation - foods naturally fermented with good bacteria to help break them down and aid digestion.  A majority of children on the autistic spectrum...

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Strategies for Picky Eaters

If you have a picky eater, don’t despair.  You are not alone.  Many of my clients particularly those with autism) are very picky eaters – I’ve had children that could tell the difference between two lot numbers of a...

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Raw Dairy with Autism

One of the most successful diets for autism (as reported by 1446 parents of DAN – Defeat Autism Now) is the gluten and casein-free (dairy-free) diet.  Sixty-five percent state that their child improved when implementing this...

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Healthy and Anti-inflammatory Fats

Fat is crucial for brain function and development.  The addition of cod liver oil has been particularly beneficial for autistic spectrum disorders - increasing mood, improving cognitive function, aiding healing, and reducing...

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