The Nourishing Hope Affiliate Program
Because you personally understand what’s possible, you are best suited to help share valuable learning and resources with others. Thousands of children and families have benefited when they learn about and apply nutrition-centered autism and specialized diets – and VERY OFTEN, they learned that the opportunity existed because a friend, relative, caregiver, colleague, or other personal contact LET THEM KNOW.
1. Sign up to become an affiliate
2. Then… share it with your community by email (best) and social media.
Tip: For best results, send 2-3 solo/dedicated emails. (A solo/dedicated email is an email specifically about this one event. It has a subject related to this event and the only links in the email are on the event.) And send a “resend” to those readers that didn’t open it (i.e. “a resend to the unopens”) around 2 days later with a NEW subject. These tips will dramatically increase opt-ins and referral sales.
3. (If you want to promote Autism, ADHD, and child nutrition related topics, then sign up for Nourishing Hope. If you have a practitioner
4. (If you want to promote Autism, ADHD, and child nutrition related topics, then sign up for Nourishing Hope. If you have a practitioner
5. (If you want to promote Autism, ADHD, and child nutrition related topics, then sign up for Nourishing Hope. If you have a practitioner
Upcoming Launches
- April 2020 Nutrition for ADHD, Autism, and Anxiety Summit (Nourishing Hope event)
- May 2020 Nourishing Hope Parent Masterclass (Nourishing Hope event)
- June 2020 Nourishing Hope for Healing Kids Parent Program (Nourishing Hope event)
- Sept 2020 Oxalate Summit (Practitioner event/BioIndividual Nutrition)
- Oct 2020 BioIndividual Nutrition Masterclass (Practitioner event/BioIndividual Nutrition)
Nutrition for ADHD, Autism, and Anxiety Summit: April 6 – 12 Summit Dates
Promo period starts March 2 – April 5
Encore weekend promotion April 17-19 (Friday-Sun)
Nourishing Hope for Healing Kids
This program has a free Masterclass. You can promote the free masterclass and/or the program itself
Masterclass: Promo period May 4-13 (Masterclass on 5/14)
Parent Program: Promo period May 15 – June 2 (Course begins June 3)
Practitioner events
Information coming soon
Sign up for BioIndividual Nutrition affiliate lists to be notified of details