Today we learn all about the phenominal healing technique called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). EFT is sort of like acupunture without the needles, in that it works with the body’s energy systems to release stored or blocked energy. It is particularly applied for rapid release of stress, pain, and other emotionally based illnesses (some 90% of all illnesses). Kate shares the origins of EFT and some common applications – we even do a live example of how EFT can be applied. If you’re new to this personally empowering wellness technique, you’ll soon be hooked and tapping your challenges away.
Host: Julie and Martin Matthews
March 20th – Jane Hersey: Feingold Association, Author. Director, Lab Test Group, Crayhon Research.
Comprensive and essential discussion about chemicals and artificial ingredients in foods – particularly focusing on the junk we commonly let our children eat. New studies VALIDATE the connection between certain “food” substances and malbehavior in children. We speak about the science and practical insights, as well as how to avoid these foods and the HEALTHIER choices parents can easily make. Children can make immediate and dramatic improvements through simple dietary adjustments and empowering personal CHOICE about what they eat – and once they know, children tend to choose what’s better for them.
Host: Julie and Martin Matthews
March13th – Michael Edelstein, Ph.D. Author, Three Minute Therapy; Change Your Thinking Change Your Life.
Michael teaches us a practical and effective technique for shifting our self defeating patterns of thought. Based on the breakthrough Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Three Minute Therapy, teaches us to challenge “musty” thinking and embrace more realistic perceptions of ourselves and life events. We consider real life examples and engage hearty discussion that encourages listeners to think about and employ new thinking. Reducing anxiety and improving quality of life are among Michael’s aims – this show is an excellent booster to our personal growth toolkits.
Host: Martin Matthews
March 6th – Mark Schauss- Director, Lab Test Group, Crayhon Research.
Author: Achieving Victory over a Toxic World
Julie and Mark discuss the increasing presense of toxins in our environment and the effects on human health. Mark shares his personal experience that has led him to study and his understand of the effects of common toxins and how best to avoid them.
Host: Julie Matthews
February 28th – Raymond Francis – Beyond Health.
The author of “Never Be Sick Again” speaks in depth about Cancer. We discuss the increasing incidence of cancer, modes of prevention, and Raymond’s assertions for cancer treatment. Cancer can be turned off he says; the science, research, and personal client experiences support this. It’s a matter of altering the body’s biochemistry such that manifesting cancer is extinguished. Open your mind to science and possibility and give a listen to what Raymond has to say, our choices will be better informed.
Host: Martin Matthews
February 21st – Martin & Julie Matthews, with Nathalie Spelman.
Today we speak about about the autism epidemic and the necessity for all of us to be informed of all healthcare options. We then get into the Reality Sandwich subject of making a difference. Our friend Nathalie shares simple tips to help inform awareness of our individual impact on the world and simple ways to show the planet you care. We are enthused to hear this idea is catching on among conscious workers willing to contribute to positive change.
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February 14th – Daniel Pinchbeck, Author: 2012 The Return of Quetzacoatl
We discuss how humanity is experiencing an accelerated process of global consciousness and that the nature of reality is evolving. Daniel shares his perspective on current times and impending “wake up call” crises, as well as the infinite opportunity we have to involve ourselves personally in the collective transformation we all are experiencing. We ponder what lays ahead and remain hopefull that we’ll learn how to harness emerging human potential and collectively redirect what emerges as reality to more healthful and sustainable ways of being. Check out his terrific online web magazine, called (coincidentally?) Reality Sandwich, “Evolving consciousness, bite by bite.”
Host: Julie and Martin Matthews
February 7th – Career Transition – Aligning with Your Inner Purpose and what Moves you.
We explore the increasing trend of people seeking more meaning in their work lives. Life and Career Transition Coach, Susan Bernstein –, provides meaningful insight and practical advice to two career ponderers: one recently choosing unemployment, and another several years beyond a career stalling layoff. This show is about career change, finding your own path, dealing with resistance, and “making it happen” for ourselves in today’s increasingly challenging world. We speak of the shifting business landscape and influences, and how to learn to trust what “moves” us, when we’re stuck doing what we think we “should” be doing. This is engaging conversation for disenchanted corporate loyalists dreaming of something more to life.
Studio guests: David Matthews and Ben Varvil
Hosts: Martin Matthews
January 31th – Jeffry Fawcett, Ph.D. Founder: The Sustainable Health Institute.
Jeffry wants to help build the capacity of communities to thrive by teaching the art of self care. He and Layna Berman produce the Your Own Health And Fitness radio show on KPFA, and SHI was created to carry their learnings into communities and empower individual health knowledge and choice. We discuss breakdowns in the current system of care, changes within our cultural fabric that signal the need for change, and paths to creating a new way of healthful living for us all. Freedom to choose and community knowledge and resource sharing are paramount to a sustainable future – join us as those attune to this cocreation learn and share their ides.
Host: Julie and Martin Matthews
January 24th – Julie Motz. Energy Healer, Author: Hands of Life
Julie Motz harnesses the body’s own energy to help patients survive risky operations, such as heart transplants and cancer surgery. She has worked in surgery at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York and Stanford University Hospital in California, as well as many other hospitals across the country. This delightful conversation elucidates how historical trauma is “stored” in the body and the processes of release – and other strategies for emotional growth and personal development and healing.
Host: Julie and Martin Matthews
January 17th – The Business of Being Born and Guest Lis Worcester, Licensed Midwife
We discuss The Business of Being Born documentary movie about the state of birth and women’s birth choices in America. This film introduces natural birth options, including homebirth to an American public facing a healthcare and personal crisis surrounding birth. With double the Ceasarian rate of the rest of the developed world, birth in the US has been coopted by insurance companies and rampant fear. This awareness is about reempowering CHOICE in the birth process, a woman’s (and couples) most defining (and loving) life experience.
Host: Julie and Martin Matthews
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January 10th – John Hicks, M.D. Pathways Medical & Holistic Health Center
What is truth? What is healing? We explore the broader nature of reality with an integrative medical doctor who deeply comprehends the interconnectedness of all things and the influence of quantum physics on health and healing. We ponder truth, and the power of finding our own truth. Dr. Hicks specializes in chronic pain, helping his patients with broad range solutions and approaches that provide relief and healing where “mainstream” medicine offer little hope. His confidence and compassion are refreshing and inspriring to see blooming from his traditional medical background. The world needs more clinicians like John.
Host: Julie and Martin Matthews
January 3rd – Martin and Julie Matthews
We spoke of the political waters we face in 2008 and the use of paralyzing fear by those intending to manipulate us. We explored the Ron Paul phenomenon with Mark Michael Lewis, creator of Ron Paul Reveres and learned that despite political outcomes there is hope for America as human ideals get stirred and people slowly awaken and take positive action for change. We later checked in with Mark McAfee from Organic Pastures Dairy to learn that California’s Raw Milk supply will NOT be interrupted by erroneous state regulations.
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November 15th – Raun Kaufman, Autism Treatment Center of America
This heartfelt conversation will benefit anyone who is touched by autism. We learn about the Son-Rise program, a totally unique treatment for children with autism. Rather than forcing them to fit into a world they don’t understanding, Son Rise focuses on joining autistic children in their world, then helping them cross the bridge to ours. This approach develops a deep relationship between parent and child that sparks expanded possibilites for learning and socialization. Raun inspires us to broaden our perspective and hope for our children and empowers parents with new options that can have immediate affect. Understanding the influence of our belief systems, emotions, and other environmental factors are also keys to maximizing children’s potential for recovery and well being.
Host: Julie and Martin Matthews
November 8th – Martin and Julie Matthews
Today we spoke on varied Reality Sandwich subjects including the raw milk uproar, the shifting landscape of mainstream media (there is little REAL REPORTING going on anymore), and recent new scientific validation of the gut brain connection in autism, as well as Julie’s upcoming trip to speak on autism and diet in Toronto to our “go getter” Canadian friends.
Audio no longer in the archive
November 1st – RAW MILK UPROAR California Legislative Coup (or Mistake)? Sally Fallon – Founder, Weston A. Price Foundation Chrys Ostrander, Organizer/Activist in Eastern WA Mark McAfee, Owner, Organic Pastures Dairy
Detailed inquiry into the recent Raw Milk uproar in California as Governor Schwarzenegger signed a bill that included a new regulation for Raw Milk production. The added Coliform standard does not appear to measure, nor have direct correlation to, the actual safety of Raw Milk and would be burdensome to raw milk producers, unnecessarily threatening the availability of this natural product to health conscious consumers. Sally Fallon helps us understand the core issues at hand, Chyrs Ostrander explains the flawed logic (“apples & orangesâ€) of the legislation, and Mark McAfee shares his response to this apparent sneak attack on his industry.
Host: Martin Matthews
October 25th – Louix DorDempriey, (Bhagavan Sri Pranananda)
A delightful and deeply insightful conversation with someone who’s a living example of being pure love. We learn that love is a choice and gain understanding of the illusion of duality that inhibits us from constant connection and alignment with the oneness that is life/god/source/energy. We speak both of the challenges and infinite possibility that present before us in today’s world, and remain inspired by the potential of humankind to transgress fear and embrace our greater selves. Enlightenment, liberation, and consciousness are explored as Louix shares learnings from his journey that can serve each of us – regardless of respective spiritual beliefs – love and openness are inherently human and universal.
Host: Martin Matthews and Michael White
October 4th – Jan Lundberg;
Topics include the Climate Emergency Fast, Trilby Lundberg’s propaganda speak about the lack of a climate crisis, Peak Oil, depaving, upcoming convergences, and tree-sitting. Ideas for sustainable living and ushering in the “new” culture are discussed. Musical breaks are provided by The Depavers and The Freys. Host: Martin Matthews LISTEN HERE September 27th – Beverly Yates, Naturopathic Doctor. Beverly returns to Reality Sandwich to discuss the difficulty people who live in the Hunter’s Point/Bayview area have with getting access to fresh fruits and vegetables in their neighborhood stores, thus the toll poor nutrition takes on residents’ health. She’ll also speak with Julie about natural methods of treating allergies and her new website
Host: Julie Matthews
September 20th – Martin Matthews, Healthful Living Co-founder The Nature of Reality
On his birthday, Martin shares his perspective, thoughts, and feelings. He speaks about what’s going on in our world (and in our heads) as we speed forward in our individual and collective evolution. Sharing his observations and experiences of our changing world, he provokes listeners to consider their role in the unfolding process of life. While this Reality Sandwich “check in” touches on the challenges we face as humans, the outlook is overwhelmingly optimistic when we guide ourselves toward that which we intend to create, and remain open to infinite possibility. Negativity and fear are never personal, and love is universal. Guest Matthew Sluder telephones in and shares further relatable perspective on The Nature of Reality.
Host: Martin Matthews
Audio no longer in the archive
September 13th – Julie Matthews, Certified Nutrition Consultant NUTRITION FOR PREGNANY, PRECONCEPTION, & POSTPARTUM
Julie explains the need for, and benefits of intentionally nourishing the future – i.e. learning and applying good nutrition for all stages of pregnancy. She talks about specific things to avoid and the and the essential practice of building nutrient reserves and improving digestion – and hence absorbtion of nutrients. Overall holistic support and postpartum needs are also covered. This overview tells you all about Julie’s upcoming weekend workshop, and more!
Host: Martin Matthews
Audio no longer in the archive