Attention Program Members….
Share your experience and inspire other parents
How did nourishing hope (strategic diet/nutrition choices) help you and your child… and why should others try it?
>> Please Record a Video Testimonial Below <<
Scenario… You encounter another parent (of a child with autism or related condition) and they’re expressing hesitance about believing in or giving diet/nutrition changes a try – perhaps they question if the effort is worth it, or if it makes sense scientifically (i.e. can their child actually improve?).
>> You’ve only got a couple minutes to impress WHY it’s worth it to be nourishing hope and HOW being on this path has helped your child – and (if you could) how Julie’s information/guidance was useful to you.
Possible Preparation: Think back to the beginning of your journey. A life-long diagnosis given to your child; incurable medical condition that could limit every aspect of their life… no help, no hope, no cure…
Until… another parent shares their story andor directs to diet/nutrition infomation (nourishing hope). A child changed, maybe even recovered, through non-medical intervention. Parents might hesitate, but how hard could a few dietary changes be? Surely it’s worth any cost to try. All they need is hope, encouragement and support.
Aim to address these questions….
- How did nourishing hope help you and your child
(making strategic diet and nutrition choices, versus not) - What were things like for you beforehand?
(symptom severity, behaviors, health, etc.) - What changes did you make, and what happened?
- In a nutshell…was it worth it?
- How did Julie’s Nourishing Hope program support your success? (get you going/inspire refinements)
3 minutes target…
Please practice a couple times before you hit the “Record” button…
Your contribution to our shared mission is greatly appreciated! ♥