Kids Cook

Starting a Fall Garden
Starting a Fall Garden

It’s mid summer and if you have a garden you are probably harvesting, or just beginning to harvest, your summer vegetables like zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and green beans. But can you believe... it’s already time to think about fall crops?! If you didn’t...

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Candied Ginger Spaghetti Squash
Candied Ginger Spaghetti Squash

Spaghetti squash is a favorite in my family. The texture is great. It’s not too wet or mushy, and it really has a texture similar to pasta. It soaks up the flavor of whatever you put on it. This year we grew our own garden and we grew spaghetti squash for the first...

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It’s Not Too Late To Start Your Garden
It’s Not Too Late To Start Your Garden

I hope you liked our “Nourishing Hope in the Garden with Ruby and Jules” post on growing your own vegetables. We got some great comments back. Thank you to everyone who replied to my gardening email and shared some of the ways you are using your garden to remain...

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Summer Grilling: Kid-Friendly Vegetables on the BBQ
Summer Grilling: Kid-Friendly Vegetables on the BBQ

Most dads love a good barbeque. If you’re a dad planning a barbeque, or a mom creating a fun day for the dad in your family’s life, I’ve got some ideas for you! When you think of BBQ, I’m sure most of you are thinking of meat. But vegetables can be delicious on the...

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Nourishing Hope in the Garden
Nourishing Hope in the Garden

The last few months have been difficult for me… as I’m sure they have been for many of you. My child has been struggling with tummy issues, our car was stolen out of our garage by a criminal, and we have been dealing with the same stay-at-home (and school-at-home)...

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Sauerkraut Recipe
Sauerkraut Recipe

GFCF/SCD/GAPS/Paleo/LOD/BED/Keto Diet Compliance Sauerkraut is wonderful for digestion and the immune system. It’s also beneficial for our mood.  Sauerkraut is made with fermented or cultured cabbage and other vegetables. When they are made raw, the traditional way,...

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Using Rainbows to Teach Kids Good Nutrition
Using Rainbows to Teach Kids Good Nutrition

Have you been trying to get more nutrients (and vegetables) into your child? As a nutritionist specializing in children with autism, ADHD, and related neurodevelopmental delays, I can share with you that most parents I work with are worried about their child’s...

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Parents Respond to Forbes Inaccurate Diet Article
Parents Respond to Forbes Inaccurate Diet Article

Did you see the rebuttal I wrote to the Forbes article saying that the diet does not help autism and that we should “put to rest all of the claims that a gluten-free diet can somehow improve the symptoms of autism.” Their article discouraged all parents from trying...

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Julie Matthews’ Email to Forbes Requesting Correction
Julie Matthews’ Email to Forbes Requesting Correction

I sent the following email to Forbes on December 5th in response to their inaccurate article on dietary intervention for autism. Attention Forbes Media,  I’m writing regarding an article published in Forbes online on November 11, 2019 by one of your contributors,...

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