SPECIAL ENROLLMENT for Autism Awareness MonthSave 30%

Parents share…

about the Nourishing Hope Program and Community

Join this
life-changing program
and help your child today!

The leading nutrition program for children
based on clinical experience and research

“Ever since we’ve followed Julie’s program, my son’s quality of life has just kept improving.” – Catherine A.

“I loved this program. It empowered me as a parent to know what to feed my child and why; all backed by clinical experience and research.”  – Myra Young

Improve health, learning & behavior
through personalized nutrition!

Your child is unique……and so are their nutritional needs.
This one of a kind program will help guide your personalized diet and nutrition choices.

Trust a Science-based approach

It’s been scientifically proven that diet and nutrition can improve ADHD, autism, hyperactivity, focus, anxiety, mood, GI symptoms and more. Because body and brain are connected, your child’s symptoms can improve when you make strategic nutrition changes.

Meet Julie Matthews,

award-winning author of Nourishing Hope for Autism
who’s been helping families like yours for over 20 years.

[VIDEO: Julie explains the program]

This program supports children and families addressing:

  • Autism

  • ADHD

  • Learning delays

  • Neurodevelopmental delays

  • Asthma

  • Down syndrome

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Defiance/Aggression

  • Eczema

  • Sleep disturbances

Helpful for teens and adults too…

The diet and nutrition principles in this program support adults and individuals of any age that are supporting autism and ADHD… as well as most neurological conditions. In this program, diet and nutrition intervention aims to balance and heal underlying contributing factors; so these principles and practices apply also to adults with similar underlying needs. It’s common that parents report their own benefits from following what they learn in the program too.

I’m here to help you…

I’m Julie Matthews, a Certified Nutrition Consultant and Published Researcher specializing in autism, ADHD, and related disorders for 20 years. I teach parents and health practitioners around the world to be effective at using personalized (bioindividual) nutrition and therapeutic diets to help children heal and improve symptoms.

I’ve supported thousands of families and children, including countless picky eaters, and I’ve published scientific research as co-author on a peer reviewed study that validates that improved diet and nutrition helps children.

From my decades of research and clinical experience, I have created a step by step program to help parents and individuals get results. If you’re tired of other people’s limited perspective restricting the possibilities for your child, then this program is for you. This approach has turned around the lives of children everywhere.

And if you’re worried about picky eating and your child’s nutrition, you can breathe a sigh of relief – because through this program 81% of picky eaters improved their eating habits and 100% of parents improved their knowledge of diet & nutrition and gained peace of mind about meeting their child’s nutritional needs.

My aim is to make a positive impact on your family and your life. Take advantage of my revolutionary nutrition program to help your child thrive. Join me in nourishing hope!

Julie Matthews

What Doctors are Saying

“Julie Matthews does a masterful job at breaking down the complexities of therapeutic diets. Her knowledge of nutrition for children with autism is truly unique. She is a great asset to my patients and the autism community.”

- Dr. Kurt Woeller, DO

Integrative Medicine Physician

“Julie is a gifted nutritionist. She elucidates the biochemical imbalances involved in ASD with a clear understanding of how to use nutrition to correct these imbalances. I encourage parents and practitioners alike to be Nourishing Hope.”

- Dr. Elisa Song, MD


“Julie gives parents the information and strategies to make better nutrition possible; a practical, research-based, step-by-step approach to improving your child’s nutrition and brain function, I encourage you to enroll.”

- Dr. Nicole Beurkens, PhD, CNS

Licensed Psychologist and Board Certified Nutrition Specialist

“Julie Matthews did a great job coaching families in our 12-month diet/nutrition study that led to substantial benefits for most children and adults with autism. I think her program will be helpful to many autism families.”

- Prof. James Adams, PhD

Autism/Asperger’s Research Program at Arizona State University

Spring Enrollment is OPEN – Save 30%

*Sign up while space is available…

• Immediate & unlimited program access

• Members-only FB group (lifetime access)

• Handouts, food lists, meal ideas, checklists

• Personalized nutrition & diet questionnaires

• Cooking to Heal cookbook with over 100 recipes and video demos

• Videos, downloadable audios & slides

• 12 additional “how to” support videos from Julie

BONUS: 3-months Nourishing Hope Support Club Membership

1] Live Meetings and Q&A with Julie
2] Personalized Meal Planning App

Pay in Full (30% less)




Payments (30% less)



[For 8 months]

[VIDEO] Why you need this program

Picky eaters improve!


of picky eaters
their eating habits


improved knowledge of diet & nutrition and gained peace of mind about meeting their child’s nutritional needs

Scientific Improvements

Studies show improvements in symptoms and childhood conditions when using diet & nutrition.*


of children with autism improved (behavior, speech, GI) on gluten-free, casein-free and soy-free diet

increase in developmental age and 6.7 pts in IQ from diet and nutrition intervention in autism


increase in metabolic and cellular function from multivitamin for autism, as well as improved autism symptoms


of children with ADHD had significantly reduced symptoms from a multivitamin/


of children with ADHD put on an elimination diet had a significant decrease in ADHD symptoms

Program Results

Because I am a nutritionist and a researcher, when you join the program participants are asked to complete evaluations on how the program may have helped them and the specific results noted for their children (it’s the same one used in my published 2018 study with ASU). Here are the results!

Percentages indicating IMPROVEMENTS.
OVERALL Autism/Related Symptoms
Picky Eating Habits
Play Skills
Expressive Language/
Repetitive Language/
Level of Aggression
GI Problems
Eye Contact

Parents share…

about the Nourishing Hope Program and Community

Program Testimonials

“We have tried for more than twenty years to figure out how to counteract sensory issues and limited food intake as well as other ASD behaviors. We felt we progressed notably during this wonderful, educational series and many of our persistent questions were answered for the first time.”
Anne Dolivo on behalf of her daughter Caitlin (with her dog Eclipse)

“The GFCFSF diet has been the most life-changing. Within a few days, his tics were reduced significantly. The supplements have helped with focus, mood, not being too picky in eating, and regular BM.

The Nourishing Hope Program is working for my son. With diet and lifestyle change, it has helped improve his quality of life. When I tell close friends and family that he has Tourette’s, they are all shocked because they don’t see him ticcing! This has been life-changing! Thank you Julie Matthews!”

UPDATE 2020 “Ever since we’ve followed Julie’s program, my son’s quality of life has just kept improving. In fact, since the summer last year, he has flown 5 times with the Civil Air Patrol. He has even sat on the left seat!!! He’s 14 and he’s working on his Private Pilot License.

He himself loves being on the Paleo diet, and he appreciates the changes I’ve made around the house and in our lifestyle.“
– Catherine S.

The whole family benefits!

From a mom in the program-

“After dealing with IBS for many years, I learned in the course that I had symptoms that a low FODMAP [one of the diets discussed] could maybe help. I tried it and felt a lot better. I even lost 12 pounds in less than two months. I had been dieting for many years and struggled to lose even a couple of pounds. I plan to continue experimenting with the low FODMAP diet and hope to continue feeling better – finally!”

Another family’s experience:

  • Dad improved facial tics and lost weight.
  • Mom lost weight, clearer skin, regular bowel movements (and for the first time in her life doesn’t have PMS anymore).
  • Sister had better focus, and less anxiety. irritable, and picky eating

As featured on…

Course Overview

This Program is ideal for families new to diet and nutrition intervention, and those refining their approach.

Part 1: Diet and Nutrition Essentials

Class #1) Avoid Junk Food and Toxins – Learn which specific food ingredients to avoid in your child’s diet. Discover how every day chemicals could make symptoms worse and how to replace them with healthful alternatives.

Class #2) Eat Healthfully – Begin to tactfully introduce new, nutritious foods into your child’s diet and for the whole family.

Class #3) Boost Nutrition Status with Supplements  – Add to your knowledge of suitable supplementation to improve your child’s nutrition intake and reduce their symptoms – including recommendations for specific products you can try right away.

Class #4) Address Picky Eating – Help even the fussiest eaters get good nutrition. Discover why certain children have picky eating habits (it’s not just behavioral) and how you can increase nutritious food intake in clever and ingenious ways.

Class #5) Eliminate Gluten, Casein, and Soy – Discover how to eliminate gluten, casein, and soy – the crucial reasons behind removing these from your child’s diet, and how to ensure good nutrition as you do.

Class #6) Take good care of yourself – Gain strategies for taking time for yourself, using self-care as you embark on this journey.

Part 2: BioIndividual Nutrition and Therapeutic Diets

Class #7) Low Phenol Diets – Learn about phenols and salicylates, the difference between diets that exclude them, and when this approach may help improve your child’s behavior. At the end of this module, you’ll have all the information you need to do a low phenol dietary trial.

Class #8) Food Allergies and Sensitivities – Discover the impact of a short-term elimination diet in helping you identify common allergies and sensitivities, as well as other tests that can help you determine foods your child might benefit from avoiding.

Class #9) Grain-Free Diets – Moving beyond gluten grains from step 5,  now you discover when a full grain-free diet may be helpful and the differences between the various grain-free diets – and I help you narrow down your choices and zoom in on what’s right for you.

Class #10) Low Oxalate Diet – Learn about oxalates, how they can impair cellular function, and when a low oxalate diet can be helpful. At the end of this module, you’ll have the knowledge to implement a low oxalate diet if warranted.

Class #11) Additional BioIndividual Diets – Know which other advanced diets there are, why you might consider them, and how they can be implemented to support your child’s unique underlying biochemical needs to improve your child’s health.

Class #12) Supplements for BioIndividual Nutrition – Get a detailed analysis of supplements that can aid your child’s healing and improvement and accelerate the impact and results of the overall individualized diet and nutrition plan you are following.

Parents report results…

“It’s like she woke up a little bit more. She now tells us what she wants and doesn’t want.”
– Parent of an 11 year old girl with autism

“This a very well-researched and thorough program that is sure to be of benefit to not only to those on the autism spectrum but anyone who seeks to improve health through nutrition. It will require patience to layer the different diets and principles but it is well worth the effort. It leaves us with a sense of empowerment. Julie’s enthusiasm and hard work are extremely inspiring!”
– Parent in the 2019 program

“The vitamins were really helpful! We’d been looking for a quality powder he would take and this was awesome. We’ve seen language improvements since starting them.

This course helped improve our understanding of diets and gave us the tools and materials to successfully implement them at home. We’re already seeing improvements in our son and are confident we will continue to utilize the diets and strategies learned in this course.”
– Christie R.

“This program is the place to start for the nutrition intervention. Practical and amazingly informative. You will save weeks, maybe years, as is my case, in research and study. I wish I did this years ago, I would do it with more confidence and without useless doubts and hesitations. Me and my 10 year old son could have been at a different place now. I think I would give up without Julie and her program. Thank you!”
– Parent of a 10 year old boy with autism

“We were already doing a GFCF, soy free organic, grass-fed diet for our child with Down Syndrome & ASD before starting the course, so we didn’t need to make too many dietary changes. But in the course we began using some supplements we discovered. These two powders have helped with our son’s constant diarrhea tremendously. Our son had diarrhea for 12 years!”
– Mother of a child with Down Syndrome and Autism

All the Tools and Guidance you Need

Step-by-step guidance 

Each nutrition class includes videos, audio files, and slides to make it easy to review the material and learn.

Actionable steps and motivating HOPE-work quizzes, tips, and checklists help keep you motivated.

Personalized nutrition support

Diet questionnaires to help you determine which therapeutic diet(s) might be right for your child

Personalized nutrition support

Diet questionnaires to help you determine which therapeutic diet(s) might be right for your child

Therapeutic diet guidance

  • Food lists
  • Meal ideas
  • Common symptoms
  • Implementation strategies for over 10 special diets


  • Wall charts
  • Checklists
  • Tools for kids and parents
  • Meal planning templates
  • Shopping guides


  • Wall charts
  • Checklists
  • Tools for kids and parents
  • Meal planning templates
  • Shopping guides

Support for picky eaters

  • Guides for 100 vegetable ideas
  • V123 daily veggie plan
  • Folate, calcium nutrient charts
  • Dozen veggies 25 ways (video)
  • Cooking instrutions and picker eater recipes

Recommendations (& discount) on trusted vitamins and supplements

Members get access to our discount supplement store that carries the most common and trusted brands.

Recommendations (& discount) on trusted vitamins and supplements

Members get access to our discount supplement store that carries the most common and trusted brands.

Julie’s “Cooking to Heal” eCookbook with “How to” VIDEO  demonstrations

Over 100 recipes tagged for compliance with over 10 special diet options so you have recipes for your bioindividual diet. All recipes tested by moms and kid-approved!

  • Cook healthfully and ensure adequate nutrition.
  • Prepare special diet recipes that your children will love!
  • Use traditional healing foods in modern and unique ways

Nourishing Hope for Autism

Award-winning autism diet intervention guide for parents and professionals. Provides the scientific WHY and HOW varied diets help children find relief from the symptoms of autism. Contains step-by-step nutrition guide that stems from extensive clinical experience and research.

Nourishing Hope for Autism

Award-winning autism diet intervention guide for parents and professionals. Provides the scientific WHY and HOW varied diets help children find relief from the symptoms of autism. Contains step-by-step nutrition guide that stems from extensive clinical experience and research.


Twelve 1-hour “How to” Videos
from the Nourishing Hope Support Club

Included during April Enrollment

3 Months Nourishing Hope Support Club Membership

($99 value, included during limited enrollment period)

Live Meetings with Q&A

Personalized Meal Planning App

Bonus #1

Live Meetings with Q&A

Connect with Others & Get Your Questions Answered

• Led by Julie Matthews and including Terri Hirning, mom of a son recovered from autism

• Zoom meetings twice a month

• Live calls are recorded and archived in Member Portal

• Ask questions live, submit them by email, or in our private FB group

• Get answers to the questions that mean the most to you, even if you can’t join live

• Share and celebrate your successes/struggles

• Meet and be supported by like-minded parents from around the world

Bonus #2

Personalized Meal Planning App

For Special Diets and Personalized Nutrition

Nourishing Hope Support Club Membership Includes:

10 new recipes every month

Includes brand new recipes for breakfasts, main courses, snacks, breads, beverages/smoothies, desserts, and dressings/dips so you never get bored.

Weekly meal plans

Keep on-target with your special diet when you pre-plan your meals for the week. You get the flexibility to create meal plans your family will eat and recipes that meet your needs.

Customizable shopping list

Customize your shopping list based on the recipes you choose for the week.

Gluten, dairy, and soy free recipes

Each and every recipe is free from these common allergens.

All recipes are tagged for dietary compliance

Including Low salicylate, Low Amine, Low Glutamate, Low FODMAPs, Low Oxalate, SCD/GAPS, Paleo, Autoimmune Paleo, Ketogenic, Nut-Free, Egg-Free, Elimination Diets-

The program blends go-at-your-own pace with live and ongoing support


All course content and handouts immediately available with lifetime access


24/7 support inside our private Facebook community to connect with families just like yours (ongoing access)


Tips, reminders, and inspiring insights delivered right to your email inbox

Bonus 3-month Nourishing Hope Support Club membership includes:

Live Meetings with Q&A

Get your questions answered and personalized support with Julie for three months

Personalized Meal Planning App

Get delicious recipes and create your own meal plans and shopping lists for your special diet(s)

Spring Enrollment is OPEN – Save 33%

*Sign up while space is available…

• Immediate & unlimited program access

• Members-only FB group (lifetime access)

• Handouts, food lists, meal ideas, checklists

• Personalized nutrition & diet questionnaires

• Cooking to Heal cookbook with over 100 recipes and video demos

• Videos, downloadable audios & slides

• 12 additional “how to” support videos from Julie

BONUS: 3-months Nourishing Hope Support Club Membership

1] Live Meetings and Q&A with Julie
2] Personalized Meal Planning App

Pay in Full (30% less)




Payments (30% less)



[For 8 months]

30-Day Money Back Guarantee
– I stand behind this program

Because I’m confident the course will exceed expectations, you have 30 days to review the course material and participate to ensure that the program is right for you. If it’s not, email us at info@nourishinghope.com to arrange a refund!

More about Julie Matthews

Julie Matthews is a Certified Nutrition Consultant, Certified Nutrition Educator, and published nutrition researcher specializing in complex neurological conditions, particularly autism spectrum disorders. She is the author of the award-winning book, Nourishing Hope for Autism, and co-author of a study proving the efficacy of nutrition and dietary intervention for autism published in the peer-reviewed journal, Nutrients. Julie’s approach is based on the BioIndividual Nutrition® needs of each person and stems from her 20 years of work with autism. Using autism as a model for complex chronic disease, her approach and methodology help practitioners specializing in varied disorders improve the health and healing of their clients through strategic BioIndividual Nutrition and dietary intervention. Julie has a private nutrition practice in San Francisco, California, and supports families and clinicians with her nutrition learning tools and professional training courses.

Have Questions?

I answer these in the VIDEO below…

  1. What are the benefits of participating in the program versus following the steps on your own?
  2. Would the program be good for a 4-year-old autistic child with major food aversions and self limiting diet, or is it better to wait until his diet expands a little more?
  3. Is it too late? My son is 10 years old, he has ADHD, some stimming, and high functioning autism.
  4. How long should it take to start seeing results?
  5. My kids have autoimmune and celiac, will the program help?
  6. In the program, can we get specialized help about questions for tailoring the diet for our child?
  7. Are the program sessions online?

Testimonials from Parents

“I loved this program. It empowered me as a parent to know what to feed my child and why; all backed by clinical experience and research.  It was the information I was seeking from my practitioner but did not have the time to discuss in appointments.  Now I feel like I have the knowledge and tools that give me confidence to use my intuition as a parent and make the right decisions for my child.”

– Myra Young

“My biggest challenge prior to starting the course about not having enough options to eat on a restricted diet. I loved how Julie had the veggies list and different ideas on how we can incorporate it into our child’s diet. My son’s major improvement came through the diet. Thanks to Julie’s step by step approach on how to nail it further down. With the use of supplements, my son symptoms have improved and I am glad I found this course and found Julie and Terri.”

– Parent in the 2020 program

“Julie did such a phenomenal job with this program.  As a dietitian and a mother of a child with Autism, each week I looked forward to learning something new from her program. The breadth and depth of Julie’s knowledge is incredible. She offered practical solutions and great resources for us to use.  Those of us living with people with Autism have been blessed by Julie offering this program. My son has definitely changed for the better because of the program! And, I enjoyed her training so much that I’m taking her practitioner course next! Kudos to Julie for Nourishing Hope.”

– Allison T.

“He is eating vegetables like never before and is more willing to experiment or taste new things. I don’t force anything at all. We are juicing now, so he gets access to foods & veggies he never was eating before – particularly greens. Improvement – I think ATEC score speaks for itself 19 points improvement! I was surprised! Mainly communication & cognition.”

– Parent in the 2019 program

“Julie really supports her learners. She does her best to answer every question her students have. She is well-integrated with many of the top doctors across America treating autism including MAPS doctors as well as having worked with families all over the country. This gives me a lot of confidence in her. It is evident that she is very sincere, honest and really cares about kids and their families. She is a very experienced practitioner with special needs children and special diets.”

– Sarah Johnson

What Parents are Saying…

…about the program content

…about all the handouts and slides

..about being based in solid science

…about the personal attention + live Q&A

The program blends go-at-your-own pace
with live and ongoing support


All course content and handouts immediately available with lifetime access


24/7 support inside our private Facebook community to connect with families just like yours (ongoing access)


Tips, reminders, and inspiring insights delivered right to your email inbox

Bonus 3-month Nourishing Hope Support Club membership includes:

Membership Meetings/LIVE Q&A

Get your questions answered and personalized support with Julie for three months

Recipes and Meal Planning App

Get delicious recipes and create your own meal plans and shopping lists for your special diet(s)

Spring Enrollment is OPEN – Save 33%

*Sign up while space is available…

• Immediate & unlimited program access

• Members-only FB group (lifetime access)

• Handouts, food lists, meal ideas, checklists

• Personalized nutrition & diet questionnaires

• Cooking to Heal cookbook with over 100 recipes and video demos

• Videos, downloadable audios & slides

• 12 additional “how to” support videos from Julie

BONUS: 3-months Nourishing Hope Support Club Membership

1] Live Meetings and Q&A with Julie
2] Personalized Meal Planning App

Pay in Full (30% less)




Pay in Full (30% less)



[For 8 months]

* Results and Improvements citations


The information on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional and is not intended to provide medical advice. Nourishing Hope®, Cooking To Heal®, and BioIndividual Nutrition ® are registered trademarks.