Your guide to personalized nutrition to improve ADHD and autism
My 12 step guide walks you through the most effective strategies, gathered from over 20 years as an autism nutrition specialist and researcher, to improve your child’s ADHD, autism, and anxiety through personalized nutrition and therapeutic diets. This cutting-edge information is backed by science that has provided clinically proven results to families all around the world.
Hi, I’m Julie.
A Certified Nutrition Consultant,
Educator, Author, & Published Researcher
I teach parents and practitioners that children with ADHD, anxiety, autism, and other needs can improve and heal, and that there’s hope for your children.
Then I educate and empower you to make strategic personalized nutrition and dietary changes that positively affect children’s bodies, which in turn helps their focus, mood, and behavior. With my unique range of knowledge, from nutrition research and clinical experience to cooking in the kitchen for my own family, I’ve created books, programs, and a much-needed community for parents and practitioners looking to help children with autism – and all children – live happy, healthy lives.
Julie Matthews